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Enter HEGIO, with ARISTOPHONTES behind.
What can be more delightful than promoting
The public good, as yesterday I did
By purchasing these captives? Ev'ry one,
Soon as he sees me, strait makes up to me,
Congratulates me on it:—they have tired me
Quite out, by stopping and detaining me:—
Scarce have I 'scaped alive from their civilities,
At length I got me to the Prætor;—there
Scarce rested me:—I ask'd a pass-port of him:
'Twas granted; and I gave it strait to Tyndarus,
Who is set off:—from thence I hurried home:
Then to my brother's, to my other captives.
I ask'd, if any one among them knew
Philocrates of Ælis, when this man
Cried out, he was his friend and intimate.
On telling him he now was at my house,
He beg'd me, I would give him leave to see him:
On which I order'd off his chains that instant.—
(To Arist.)
Follow me now, that you may have your wish,

And meet the person you desire to see.
