Svvetnam, the VVoman-hater, arraigned by women | ||
Enter Swetnam muzzled, hal'd in by Women.Swet.
Why doe you hale me thus? Is't not enough,
I haue withstood a tryall? beene arraign'd?
Indured the torture of sharp-pointed Needles?
The Whip? and old Wiues Nayles? but I must stand,
To haue another Iurie passe on me?
It was a generall wrong; therefore must haue
A generall tryall, and a Iudgement too.
The greatest wrong was mine; he sought my life:
Which fact I freely pardon, to approoue
Women are neither tyrannous, nor cruell,
Though you report vs so.
I now repent,
And thus to you (kind Iudges) I appeale.
Me thinkes, I see no anger in your eyes:
Mercie and Beautie best doe sympathize:
And here for-euer I put off this shape,
And with it all my spleene and malice too,
And vow to let no time or act escape,
In which my seruice may be shewne to you.
And this my hand, which did my shame commence,
Shall with my Sword be vs'd in your defence.
Svvetnam, the VVoman-hater, arraigned by women | ||