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Hymns and Sacred Lyrics

In Three Parts. By Joseph Cottle

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362. Ascension of Christ.
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362. Ascension of Christ.


Behold the Lord ascending high,
No pomp, imposing, marks his flight;
He rises solemn to the sky,
Till clouds receive him from the sight!
Jehovah's justice satisfied,
Christ quits the world for which he died!



But, though no spectacle sublime,
No meteor's glare, no trumpet's sound,
Denotes the Saviour's flight from time,
Acclaiming angels hover round:
The Seraph band, in glad accord,
Attend to heaven their risen Lord!


Oh! what a contrast to the hour,
When he shall judge the quick and dead!
When, in his own, and Father's power,
He shall the final record spread;
Ten thousand angels in his train,
While all that sleep, shall rise again!