University of Virginia Library





Ye Dons and ye doctors, ye Provosts and Proctors,
Who are paid to monopolize knowledge,
Come make opposition by voice and petition
To the radical infidel College;
Come put forth your powers in aid of the towers
Which boast of their Bishops and Martyrs,
And arm all the terrors of privileged errors
Which live by the wax of their Charters.
Let Mackintosh battle with Canning and Vattel,
Let Brougham be a friend to the “niggers,”


Burdett cure the nation's misrepresentations,
And Hume cut a figure in figures;
But let them not babble of Greek to the rabble,
Nor teach the mechanics their letters;
The labouring classes were born to be asses,
And not to be aping their betters.
'Tis a terrible crisis for Cam and for Isis!
Fat butchers are learning dissection;
And looking-glass-makers become sabbath-breakers
To study the rules of reflection;
“Sin: φ” and “sin: θ”—what sins can be sweeter?
Are taught to the poor of both sexes,
And weavers and spinners jump up from their dinners
To flirt with their Y's and their X's.
Chuckfarthing advances the doctrine of chances
In spite of the staff of the beadle;
And menders of breeches between the long stitches
Write books on the laws of the needle;
And chandlers all chatter of luminous matter,
Who communicate none to their tallows,
And rogues get a notion of the pendulum's motion
Which is only of use at the gallows.
The impurest of attics read pure mathematics,
The ginshops are turned into cloisters,


A Crawford next summer will fill you your rummer,
A Coplestone open your oysters.
The bells of Old Bailey are practising gaily
The erudite tones of St. Mary's;
The Minories any day will rear you a Kennedy,
And Bishopsgate blossom with Airys.
The nature of granites, the tricks of the planets,
The forces of steams and of gases,
The engines mechanical, the long words botanical,
The ranging of beetles in classes,
The delicate junctions of symbols and functions,
The impossible roots of equations—
Are these proper questions for Cockney digestions,
Fit food for a cit's lucubrations?
The eloquent pages of time-hallowed sages
Embalmed by some critical German,
Old presents from Brunckius, new futures from Monckius,
The squabbles of Porson with Hermann,
Your Alphas and Betas, your Canons of Metres,
Your Infinite Powers of Particles,
Shall these and such-like work make journeymen strike work
And 'prentices tear up their articles?
But oh! since fair Science will cruelly fly hence
To smile upon vagrants and gipsies,


Since knights of the hammer must handle their grammar,
And nightmen account for eclipses,
Our handicraft neighbours shall share in our labours
If they leave us the whole of the honey,
And the sans-culotte caitiff shall start for the plate, if
He puts in no claim to plate-money.
Ye Halls, on whose dais the Don of to-day is
To feed on the beef and the benison,
Ye Common-room glories, where beneficed Tories
Digest their belief and their venison,
Ye duels scholastic, where quibbles monastic
Are asserted with none to confute them,
Ye grave Congregations, where frequent taxations
Are settled with none to dispute them—
Far hence be the season when Radical treason
Of port and of pudding shall bilk ye,
When the weavers aforesaid shall taste of our boar's head,
The silk-winders swallow our silky,
When the mob shall eat faster than any Vicemaster,
The watermen try to out-tope us,
When Campbell shall dish up a bowl of our bishop,
Or Brougham and Co. cope with our copus.