University of Virginia Library


A February Song

Now with tender pencilled cup,
And with triple wings of white,
Snowdrop-maidens flutter up,
Wakened from the winter's night.
Celandines are full of sun,
Daffodils in gardens shine,
And the sap begins to run
Thro' the tufted eglantine.
Now the birch with ruddier rind
Hears the tit call to his fellow;
February's gentle mind
Turns the happy larches yellow.
Alders hang their purple flowers,
Hazels golden-tasselled gleam,
And the willow feels new power
Silver-studded by the stream.


Now the lilac trees gainsay
Every hint of doubt and sorrow,
Hung with tears of rain to-day
They shall laugh in leaf to-morrow.