University of Virginia Library



Rota e l'alta Colonna, &c.

Alas! my dearest hope is now no more,
The soothing comfort of my wearied soul;
Her parted charms this sphere can ne'er restore
Where zephyrs wanton, or where oceans roll.
She's fled, far fled, from this sad scene of pain,
And every joy with her has ceas'd to bloom,
And every lingering, longing wish is vain,
For death has seal'd th'irrevocable doom.
Then since with fate 'tis bootless to contend,
My unresisting soul must fall her prey;
My tear-dim'd eyes her hard behests must mourn.
Oh life, thou flattering, tho' deceitful friend!
Thou showest to youth full many a prospect gay,
Then bidst them vanish never to return.