University of Virginia Library




High in heaven the sun
Shines his worship to Thee:
The bird in the brightness
Sings his hymn from the tree:
Thou art praised on the earth,
Thou art praised in the sky;
Last comes Thine own creature
To praise the Most High.
For the sleep, for the waking,
For the rest of my bed;
For in Thine arms I slept,
By Thy touch awakenéd.
As Thou wast in the night,
Be with me by day:
Morning, noon, evening;
All my life, and alway.
Go Thou beside me
Wherever I go:
Whatever Thou willest,
Make that I wish it so:


That in thought of Thee
All I do may be done:
As all great in Thy sight,
All small in my own.
When to-day brings its trial
Be Thy voice mine aid:
Say, ‘It is I;
Be not afraid.
The night is Mine,
And Mine is the day,
Morning, noon, evening,
All thy life, and alway.’