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Poems by James Hyslop

... With a Sketch of his Life, and Notes on his Poems, By the Rev. Peter Mearns

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XIV. Farewell.


Fare thee well! since I must leave thee
All my happiness is gone.
Sweetest girl! will it not grieve thee
To reflect on what thou'st done?
Yes! I'll go, my dearest Lydia;
For thy happiness I'll go;
I will never, by refusing,
Wound the heart once lov'd me so.
But don't urge me to forget thee
Though we part at thy request;—
Those sweet hours when first I met thee,
When thy bosom made me blest.
Streams once mingled in the river
'Tis impossible to part;
'Tis as vain to try to sever
Those ideas from my heart.
They're entwin'd with my existence;
They are dearer than my breath;
Against fate they'll dare resistance,
And defy the gloom of death.


Among all that's sweet in nature,
No relief my heart can feel;
I can't trace one single feature
But gives wounds that will not heal.
Not a path where we have wander'd,
Not a field, a flower, a tree,
But it tells me there I've ponder'd
On endearing thoughts of thee.
All can tell of days we parted;
But we parted not as now:
Then how kind and loving-hearted
On my lips you breath'd adieu!
In those hours of young affection,
When thy bosom was so kind,
Could I e'er make one reflection
Upon all has been behind?
Could I think that eye of fondness
That reposed on my heart;
And those lips that breathed kindness
Would entreat me to depart?
But farewell! I'll not distress thee
With my bleeding bosom s pain.
Fare thee well; may Heaven bless thee,
Though we ne'er should meet again.