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Poems and Songs Humorous, Serious and Satirical

By Alexander Rodger; Edited, with Introduction and Notes by Robert Ford; New and Complete Edition

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Gae wa' ye silly, senseless quean!
Nor frighten sae my wean
Wi' tales o' bogles, ghaists, and elves,
That he'll no sleep his lane.
Come! say your prayers, my bonnie bairn,
And saftly slip to bed—
Your guardian angel's waiting there,
To shield your lovely head.
O, never mind the foolish things
That clavering Jenny says—
They're just the idle silly tales,
The dreams o' darker days;
Our grannies, and our gran'dads too,
They might believe them a',
And keep themsel's in constant dread
O' things they never saw.
Lie still, lie still, my ain wee man!
Sic stories are na true,
There's naething in the dark can harm
My bonnie harmless doo;
The Watchfu' E'e that never sleeps,
That never knows decay,
Will tent frae skaith my bonnie bairn,
By night as weel's by day.