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Poems, by Joseph Cottle

Second edition, with additions

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‘The shadowy prospect charm'd my foolish heart,
‘Urg'd me with home and happiness to part;
‘To leave my aged Sire, with anguish wild,
‘To leave my Mother, frantic for her child,
‘To leave the Maid I lov'd.


‘Full well my mind retains the fatal day.
‘Which tore me from my Cath'rine's arms away;
“And wilt thou go? all wildly pale, she cry'd,
“And must the wars our faithful loves divide?
“Stay with thy Kate, nor cross the treach'rous sea!
“Let others fight, who are not lov'd like thee.”
‘Oh, Cath'rine! Cath'rine! thou shalt never more
‘Behold thy Henry! weltering in his gore
‘He hears the answering groans of death resound,
‘And marks his blood slow creeping o'er the ground.
‘My heart beats slow. The nightly dews fall cold.
‘Stranger! farewell.’—
He said; and heaving his last labouring breath
Exhausted sunk into the arms of death.