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Poems and Lancashire Songs

By Edwin Waugh. Fourth Edition, With Additions

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When thy heart 'neath its trouble sinks down,
And the joys that misled it are gone,—
When the hopes that inspired it are flown,
And it gropes in the darkness alone,—
Let faith be thy cheer,
Scorn the whispers of fear,
Be righteous, and bravely bide on.


When fancy's wild meteor-ray
Allures thee from duty to roam,


Beware its bewildering way,
And rest with thy conscience at home;—
Give ear to its voice;
Let the stream of thy joys
From the fountain of purity come.


When, by failure and folly borne down,
The future looks hopelessly drear;
And each day, as it flies, with a frown,
Tells how helpless, how abject we are;
Let nothing dismay
Thy bold effort to-day;—
Be patient, and still persevere.


Be steady, in joy and in sorrow;
Be truthful, in great and in small;


Fear nothing but sin, and each morrow
Heaven's blessing upon thee shall fall:
In thy worst tribulation
Shun low consolation,
And trust in the God that sees all.