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Gerard & Isabel

A Romance in Form of Cantefable. By Francis William Bourdillon

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[Gentle Death, supreme deliverer]

Gentle Death, supreme deliverer,
Loosener of the iron fetters,
Life has bound but cannot loosen
Round the feet of those that stumble!
Who shall wonder if the weary,
Sore perplexed or broken-hearted,
Turn to thee to seek assuaging
Of the gnawing cares and anguish
That like marish-snakes have fastened
On their limbs and suck their life-blood?
So the Devil sings as siren,
Luring souls in hours of weakness
To Hell-gate and the dark whirlpool
Where despair eternal waiteth.
Ah, when once the soul has harkened,
Turning to the Devil-siren,
Little hope is left to save him!
As the needle to the lode-stone
Nearing ever firmer pointeth,
So the soul to self-destruction.
Oh, what hand can save thee, Gerard?
This is past the help of flowers,
Past the help of living creature.
Is there any now can save thee?