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“ Yet surely, surely, these were famous men!
“What Boy but hears the sayings of old Ben?
“In all debates where Criticks bear a part,
“Not one but nods, and talks of Johnson's Art,


“Of Shakespear's Nature, and of Cowley's Wit;
“How Beaumont's Judgment check'd what Fletcher writ;
“How Shadwell hasty, Wycherly was slow;
“But, for the Passions, Southern sure and Rowe.
“These, only these, support the crouded stage,
“From eldest Heywood down to Cibber's age.
Adeo sanctum est, &c.

Nothing was less true than this particular: But this Paragraph has a mixture of Irony, and must not altogether be taken for Horace's own Judgment, only the common Chatt of the pretenders to Criticism; in some things right, in others wrong: as he tells us in his answer,

Interdum vulgus rectum videt, est ubi peccat.