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Behold the Fool, whose heart denies
The God who form'd the Earth and Skies:
While, fearless, sin's worst paths he treads,
Mark how the dire example spreads
Through human race. Not one we find
To Virtue's Heav'n-taught rules inclin'd,
Who 'midst infectious times has stood
Unstain'd, and obstinately good.
Th' eternal Monarch from on high
Cast on the sons of Earth his eye,
If haply some he yet might see
From error's baleful influence free,
Whose lives an impious Age might shame,
Who sought his love, and own'd his name.
He look'd: but ah! not one could find
To Virtue's Heav'n-taught rules inclin'd:


Each, led from Wisdom's path astray,
Pursues the tenour of his way.
O say, what frenzy thus could blind
Their souls, that with remorseless mind
As bread my People they devour,
Nor suppliant own their Maker's pow'r.
Yet see their thoughts tumultuous ro'l,
See various terrors shake their soul:
For God amidst the Righteous dwells,
And each invading foe repells.
And what are Ye, who thus deride
The souls that in their God confide,
With wise simplicity of mind
To his all-just Decrees resign'd?
Who, mightiest Lord, to Israel's eyes
Shall bid the wish'd Salvation rise,
From Sion's hill its healing ray
Extend, and round us pour the day?
When Thou (Thy Pow'r the work demands,)
Shalt back recall our captive Bands,
The blest event to Judah's shore
Her Songs of triumph shall restore,
And ceaseless shouts, through heav'n's wide frame
Loud-echoing, Jacob's joy proclaim.