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Propitious Pow'r! to wretched Mortals kind,
Who, not content to sooth the pensive Mind
With soft Repose, do'st splendidly delight,
With rich Ideal Scenes, our Intellectual Sight.
Oft', while within thy downy Arms caress'd
The lumpish Body takes refreshing Rest,
Free'd from its earthly Charge, the wakeful Soul
Visits the Stars, and ranges o'er the Pole,
To distant Worlds with nimble Pinions flies,
And climbs with easie Steps the steepy Skies.
While blust'ring Winds around my Chamber blow,
And all the neighb'ring Fields lie hid in Snow,
Whilst uncontroll'd, tempestuous Winter reigns,
And strips of all their bloomy Pride the Plains;
Wafted by Thee, to happier Climes I stray,
With purple Spring and verd'rous Beauty, gay;
Where lightly skimming thro' mild Air, I rove
O'er the green Meadows and enchanted Grove.