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The toast

An heroick poem: In four Books, Written originally in Latin, by Frederick Scheffer: Now done into English, and illustrated with Notes and Observations, by Peregrine Odonald [i.e. William King]

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AN EXTRACT FROM Mr. Scheffer's second Epistle to Mr. H*garth .


Hogarth , draw a Gothic Group;
Here old Myra and her Measure,
Hiding Impy in her --- Hoop:
There the Gridir'n, and the Treasure:


Here a Wife or wanton Maid,
With a Matron spread upon her;
There a mighty Hero laid
In the truckle-bed of Honour:


Here a little angry Wight,
Fam'd for Hunting, Arms, and Arts,
With an Ell of Wig bedight,
Which conceal'd a thousand Darts:


There a bulky bearded Shrew,
Nor of Men or Gods afraid,
Yielding to a feeble Foe,
Lest an Eunuch she be made.