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The Works of Hildebrand Jacob

... Containing Poems on Various Subjects, and Occasions; With the Fatal Constancy, a Tragedy; and Several Pieces in Prose. The Greatest Part Never Before Publish'd

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I. Hymn to Venus.


Venus , favour my Desire!
You the raging Heat inspire.
Hark! a femal Step I hear!
See the bright Corinna near!
See the Nymph whom I admire!
Venus, ever kind, and just,
Goddess, still in you I trust.


Hail! Corinna Child of Love,
Sent by Venus from above,
Tender, blooming, full of Charms,
Welcome to a Lover's Arms:
All that's mortal Bliss we'll prove.


Venus, you these Raptures give,
Who can greater taste and live?


Venus, subject of my Lays,
Goddess, still I'll sing your Praise,
And, in this dark, silent Grove,
Sacred now to You, and Love,
To your Name a Temple raise:
Ceres with gay Bacchus joyn'd
There their Altar too shall find.