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The Year of Wonders

Being a literal and poetical translation of an old Latin prophecy, found near Merlin's cave, By S---n D---k [i.e. Stephen Duck]

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Ye Baskers in the Bosoms of our Kings,
Whose Faith, whose Honour, are most slipp'ry things,
Correct yourselves, from Precedent be wise,
View York and Talbot with astonish'd Eyes,
Both in high Post, both in high Character,
Each shines refulgent in his proper Sphere;
Unenvy'd in the Exercise of Pow'r,
We all agree, who ne'er agreed before.
A finish'd Conduct theirs, the strongest Sense,
Genteel Address, and poignant Eloquence;
Justice, the Soul of Law and Equity,
Flows bright in ev'ry Sentence and Decree:
Their Judgments clear and calm the ruffled Mind,
They see with Reason, are with Justice blind.
To them the least Indignity's too much,
Hard Words are Darts, Frowns too severe Reproach.
Who serve with Honour, should be us'd with Grace.
Kings to such Subjects wear a chearful Face.
If otherwise, we see a Court with Grief,
And Men of Honour seek a private Life.


There in such Case Content can only dwell,
A brilliant Court's more loathsome than a Cell.