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A Poem [by Samuel Boyse]

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Hence distant far, ye sons of earth profane,
The loose, ambitious, covetous, or vain;
Ye worms of pow'r! ye minion'd slaves of state,
The wanton vulgar, and the sordid great!
But come ye purer souls from dross refin'd,
The blameless heart and uncorrupted mind!
Let your chaste hands the holy altars raise,
Fresh incense bring, and light the glowing blaze;
Your grateful voices, aid the Muse to sing,
The spotless Justice of th'Almighty King!
As only Rectitude divine he knows,
As truth and sanctity his thought compose;


So these the dictates which th'Eternal Mind,
To reasonable beings has assign'd;
These has his care on ev'ry mind impress'd,
The conscious seals the hand of Heav'n attest!
When man perverse, for wrong forsakes the right,
He still attentive keeps the fault in sight;
Demands the strict attonement should be made,
And claims the forfeit on th'offender's head!
But Doubt demands,—“Why man dispos'd this way?
“Why left the dang'rous choice to go astray?
“If heav'n that made him did the fault foresee,
“Thence follows, heav'n is more to blame than he.
No—had to good the heart alone inclin'd,
What toil, what prize had virtue been assign'd?
From obstacles her noblest triumphs flow,
Her spirits languish, when she finds no foe!
Man might perhaps have so been happy still,
Happy, without the privilege of will,
And just because his hands were ty'd from ill!
O wond'rous scheme to mend th'almighty plan,
By sinking all the dignity of man!


Yet turn thy eyes, vain Sceptic, own thy pride,
And view thy happiness and choice ally'd;
See virtue from herself her bliss derive,
A bliss, beyond the pow'r of thrones to give;
See vice of empire and of wealth possess'd,
Pine at the heart, and feel herself unbless'd.
And say, were yet no farther marks assign'd,
Is man ungrateful? or is heav'n unkind?
Yes, all the woes from heav'n permissive fall,
“The wretch adopts,—the wretch improves them all.”
From his wild lust, or his oppressive deed,
Rapes, battles, murders, sacrilege proceed;
His wild ambition thins the peopled earth,
Or from his av'rice, famine takes her birth;
Had nature giv'n the hero wings to fly,
His pride would lead him to attempt the sky!
To angels make the pigmy's folly known,
And draw ev'n pity from th'Eternal Throne.


Yet while on earth, triumphant vice prevails,
Celestial Justice ballances her scales,
With eye unbiass'd all the scene surveys,
With hand impartial, ev'ry crime she weighs;
Oft close pursuing at his trembling heels,
The man of blood her awful presence feels;
Oft from her arm, amidst the blaze of state,
The regal tyrant, with success elate,
Is forc'd to leap the precipice of fate!
Or if the villain pass unpunish'd here,
'Tis but to make the future stroke severe;
For soon or late, Eternal Justice pays
Mankind the just desert of all their ways.
'Tis in that awful all-disclosing day!
When high Omniscience shall her books display;
When Justice shall present her strict account,
While Conscience shall attest the due amount;
That all who feel, condemn'd, the dreadful rod,
Shall own that righteous are the ways of God!


Oh then while penitence can fate disarm,
While ling'ring Justice yet with-holds its arm;
While heav'nly patience grants the precious time,
Let the lost sinner think him of his crime;
Immediate, to the seat of mercy fly,
Nor wait to-morrow—lest to-night he die!
But tremble, all ye Sins of blackest birth,
Ye Giants that deform the face of earth;
Tremble ye sons of aggravated guilt,
And ere too late, let sorrow learn to melt;
Remorseless Murder! drop thy hand severe,
And bathe thy bloody weapon with a tear;
Go, Lust impure! converse with friendly light,
Forsake the mansions of defiling night;
Quit, dark Hypocrisy, thy thin disguise,
Nor think to cheat the notice of the skies!
Unsocial Avarice, thy grasp forgo,
And bid the useful treasure learn to slow!
Restore, Injustice, the defrauded gain!
Oppression, bend to ease the captive's chain,


Ere awful Justice strike the fatal blow,
And drive you to the realms of night below!
But Doubt resumes,—“If Justice has decreed,
“The punishment proportion'd to the deed;
“Eternal misery seems too severe,
“Too dread a weight for wretched man to bear!
“Too harsh!—that endless torments should repay
“The crimes of life,—the errors of a day!
In vain our reason would presumptuous pry,
Heav'n's counsels are beyond conception high,
In vain would thought his measur'd Justice scan!
His ways, how different from the ways of man?
Too deep for thee, his secrets are to know,
Enquire not, but more wisely shun the woe;
Warn'd by his threat'nings, to his laws attend,
And learn to make Omnipotence thy friend!
Our weaker Laws, to gain the purpos'd ends,
Oft pass the bounds the Law-giver intends;


Oft partial pow'r, to serve its own design,
Warps from the Text, exceeding reason's Line;
Strikes, biass'd, at the person, not the deed,
And sees the guiltless unprotected bleed!
But God alone, with unimpassion'd sight,
Surveys the nice barrier of Wrong and Right;
And while, subservient, as his will ordains,
Obedient Nature yields the present means;
While neither force, nor passions guide his views,
Ev'n Evil works the purpose he pursues!
That bitter spring, the source of human pain!
Heal'd by his touch does mineral health contain;
And dark affliction, at his potent rod,
Withdraws its cloud, and brightens into Good.
Thus human justice—(far as man can go)
For private safety strikes the dubious blow;
But Rectitude divine, with nobler soul,
Consults each individual in the whole!
Directs the issues of each moral strife,
And sees creation struggle into life!


And you, ye happier souls! who in his ways
Observant walk, and sing his daily praise!
Ye righteous few! whose calm unruffled breasts,
No fears can darken, and no guilt infests,
To whom his gracious promises extend,
In whom they centre, and in whom shall end,
Which (bless'd on that foundation sure who build)
Shall with eternal Justice be fulfill'd:
Ye sons of life to whose glad hope is giv'n,
The bright reversion of approaching heav'n,
With grateful hearts his glorious praise recite,
Whose love from darkness call'd you out to light;
So let your piety reflective shine,
As men may thence confess his truth divine!
And when this mortal veil, as soon it must,
Shall drop, returning to its native dust;
The work of life, with approbation done,
Receive from God your bright immortal crown!