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Mundorum Explicatio

or, The Explanation of an Hieroglyphical Figure: Wherein are couched the Mysteries of the External, Internal, and Eternal Worlds, shewing the true progress of a Soul from the Court of Jerusalem; from the Adamical fallen state to the Regenerate and Angelical. Being A Sacred Poem, written by S. P. [i.e. Samuel Pordage]

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Go mighty Prince
Lord of the ayr, with all your Forces hence
March to the lower Orb: Do thou abide
I'th' Airy Regions; over storms preside,
Tempests, and blust'ring Winds: Do thou direct
Some naughty influence, from bad aspect
To new-born Infants: with blasts mildews, blites,
Afflict the Earth, and spoil her best delights.


Mighty Baalzebub follow him, and be
Thou Lord of discord, plagues, discordancy;
Man, Beast, and Earth, falls under thy large Lot:
Do thou Men disunite; send murrain, rot
Among the Beasts; send Locusts, vermine, and
Do what thou canst for to afflict the Land.
Great Belial, with thousand Legions wend
Thou next into the Earth, thy Forces bend
To make of no effect Love's goodnesse, seek
Holy Idea's in Man's mind to break,
Disturb his intellect, Chymera's vain
Strange untrue fancies cause thou in his brain.
Next Pithon go with thy innumerable
Legions of Dæmons, be throu strong, and able
For to pervert the Truth, infatuate
Man's understanding; Cause him Truth to hate.
Potent Samaeliel Sathan Enemy
To Love, and goodnesse, thou thy Forces try
Justice for to pervert; Wrath, Terror, Ire,
Disperse th'row out the World; set all on fire
And bring confusion if thou canst. For us
Do thou destroy all things Asmodeus;
Thou fiery Spirit raise such to the seat
Of greatnesse, who Love's Forces may defeat:
With Pride, and Cruelty indue them. Hie
Thou next with thy Troops bitter Meriri:
Seek thou to hinder Man's perfection,
Disturb his happinesse, and union
With our Foe Love: and let thy Pride expresse
Thy high, and mighty Forces statelinesse.
Next march swift Asteroth; to men of Parts
Make known our secrets, Sciences, and Arts:
Let't be thy work continually to fill,
Their busie brains, with our delighting skill.
Ten thousand Legions I assign to thee
Abaddon Spirit of Impiety:
Take thou away all comfort: sicknesse, death,
Destruction cause to all that are beneath
Thy power. Mammon tho the last, not least,
For thy power reach shall from the West, to East;


See that that thou all dost cause the world to love,
Preside o're riches, and all things that move
Below the Moons sphear: tie the world to Man
And they cann't mount unto Loves Kingdom then.
Under your banners march may those mixt sp'rits
For usual scouts to scare: black shades and Nights
Hobgoblins, Lemures, Ast'ral spirits to talk
About the fields; some in Church yards to walk:
Ghosts, Fairies, Night-mares, dark trricula's,
Affrighting Spectres, haunting Empusa's,
Cadds, airy Dæmons, strange Phantasms, and
Legions of other sp'rits to fill the band.