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Latine Songs

With their English: and Poems. By Henry Bold ... Collected and perfected by Captain William Bold

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Fortune is blind
And Beauty unkind,
The Devil take them both!
One is a Witch,
And t'other's a Bitch,
In neither's Faith or Troth:
There's hazard in hap,
Deceit in a Lap,
But no fraud in a Brimmer;
If truth in the bottom Lye,
Thence to redeem her,
We'll drain a whole Ocean dry.


Honour's a Toy,
For Fools a Decoy,
Beset with care and fear;
And that (I wuss)
Kills many a Puss
Before her clymacht year:


But Freedom and Mirth,
Create a new Birth,
While Sack's the Aqua Vitæ
That Vigour and Spirit gives
Liquor Almighty!
Whereby the poor Mortal lives.


Let us be blyth
In spight of Death's Sythe!
And with an Heart and half
Drink to our Friends,
And think of no ends,
But keep us sound and safe;
While Healths do go round
No Malady's found,
The Maw sick in the Morning,
For want of it's wonted strain,
Is as a warning,
To double it over again.


Let us maintain
Our Traffique with Spain
And both the Indies slight;
Give us their Wines,
Let them keep their Mines,
We'l pardon Eighty Eight;


There's more certain Wealth
Secur'd from stealth
In one Pipe of Canary,
Than in an unfortunate Isle:
Let us be wary,
We do not our selves beguile.