University of Virginia Library

The .xiij. Psalme.

Lorde howe longe wylt thou forget me? what for euer and aye:
Lorde how long wylt thou hyde thy face from thy seruaunt I saye?
How longe shall I consult in mynde, and in myne hert trauayle?
Howe longe shall myne enmies agaynst thy poore seruaunt preuayle?
Loke backe and answere me (O Lorde) illumyne thou myne eyes:
And suffer me not in the death to sleape in any wyse.
Leste myne enmye shoulde say, I haue agaynste him preuayled:
And suche as vexe me, should reioyce, yf I were weakened.
But I truste in thy greate goodnes, and bountiful mercy:
And in thine health mine hert therfore reioyceth certaynely.
I will synge to the Lorde I saye, with hert vnfaynedly:

Because he doeth requyte to me all thynges aboundantly.