Hippolytus, Medea, Agamemnon, Herculas Oetaeus | ||
O nature Grandame greate of Heauenly Sprites,Eake Ioue that guides Olimpus mighty sway,
That rakes the race of twinckling heauēly lightes
On spinning Spheare and order dost for aye
The stragling course of roaming planets hie,
And weildes about the whirling Axeltree
The weltring Poales, th'eternal course of Skie
To keepe in frame, what workes such care in thee
That earst the cold which hoary winter makes
Vnclothes the naked wood, and now agayne
The shades returne vnto the breary brakes
Now doth the starre of Sommer Lion raygne,
VVhose scalded necke with boyling heate doth frie,
Perbraking flames from fiery foming iawes:
VVith scorching heate the parched corne do drie:
Ech season so his kindly course in drawes.
But thou that weildes these thinges of massy might,
Euen Ballanced doth keepe in compasse right,
Each Spheare by measurd weight that iustly swaise,
Alas why dost thou beare a retchles breast
Toward mankind? not casting any care
That wicked men with mischiefe be opprest,
And eake to see that goodmen wel do fare
Dame Fortune topsieturuy turnes at wil
The world, and deales her dole with blinded hand,
And fosters vice mayntayning mischiefe ill.
Fowle lust triumphes on good men brought in band
Deceipt in stately Court the sway doth weild,
In Lordinges levvde the vulgar sort delight,
With glee to such the Mace of might they yeeld.
Some magistrates they do both loue and spight,
And pensiue vertue brought to bitter bale,
Receyues revvard that doth of right aryse,
The continent to Prison neede doth hale,
The Leacher raygnes enhaunced by his vice.
O fruitles shame, O counterfayted port.
But vvhat nevves may this messenger novv bring,
Who vvith maine pace comes poasting in this sort,
And stayes vvith mourning countnance at the Kinge.
Hippolytus, Medea, Agamemnon, Herculas Oetaeus | ||