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De sancta Brigida
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De sancta Brigida

Sein Bride þat holi maide of Irlonde was
Biȝute he[o] was in spousbruche in a wonder cas
Duptak was hure uader name þat ispoused hadde a wif
In luþer bileue of paynime hi ladde hore lif
A seruant he hadde inis hous Broksek was hure name
Þis Duptak bisoȝte hure of lecherie and ssame
On hure he biȝat a child in spousbruche & wiþ wou
Þo is owe wif it underȝet sori he was inou
Mest he[o] dradde hure of þat child þet it ssolde so wel þe[o]
To sourmonte hure owe children hor maister to be[o]
Þer uore he[o] cride on hure louerd to be[o] iwar byuore


And sulle out of londe þe seruant ar þat child were ibore
Þe hosebonde nolde it grante noȝt for he hadde loþ it do
Þis wif cride niȝt and day ȝif he[o] miȝte it bringe þerto
So þat it fel þer afterward þat þis hosebonde
Wiþ is seruante alone wende in a cart ouerlonde
A chantor was in þulke stude as were bi olde dawe
As oure Louerd it wolde bi is hous þe cart gan euene drawe
He sat and hurde hou þis cart bi is gate wende
Anon he clupede on of is men and hasteliche out sende
Lokeþ he sede hasteliche wat þing is þat ich hure
Vor þe soun of þulke weoles is vnder a god creature
Þe nobloste creature is wiþinne þulke tre[o]
Þat is nouþe in eny londe lokeþ wat it be[o]
Þo ne fonde hi in þis cart namo bote hom to
Þe chantor hi hulde a liare & come and seide him so
Ȝe lieþ me quaþ þis oþer so ne may it noȝt go
Him sulf he lokede in þe cart he ne fond þer inne namo
Hou geþ þis he sede þo þus ne may it noȝt be[o]
Womman he sede ertou mid childe for ichot ȝe beoþ þre[o]
Ȝe bi God þis womman sede by my louerd þat her is
Duptak quaþ þis enchanteor þou miȝt be[o] glad iwis
Wite wel þis womman þoru out alle þinge
For al þe worlde ssel ioyuol be[o] of hure beringe
And mi wif radde quaþ Duptak þat ich hure ssolde sle anon
For he[o] dradde þat hure childe ssolde ouercome hure echon
Certes quaþ þis enchanteor þat me ssel ȝute yse[o]
Þat alle þi wiues children under hure ssolleþ be[o]
For þis womman ssel a doȝter bere þat ssine ssel so clere
Amang alle þat an eorþe be[o]þ in as cler manere
As amange alle oþer sterren þe sonne briȝtore is
Also ssel he[o] an eorþe ssine amang oþer men iwis
In a god time he[o] worþ ibore & wonderliche also


For noþer wiþinne hous ne wiþoute þe dede worþ ido
Duptak was þo doȝterles for he nadde neuere none
Ioiuol he was and glad inou for he bi[ȝ]et hure one
Suþþe it biuel þer afterward þat anoþer enchanteor wende
And of Duptak boȝte þis seruante as oure Louerd grace sende
For þe wif nolde neuere fine ar it were þerto ibroȝt
Ac þe child þat was in hure wombe Duptak ne solde noȝt
Forþ he ladde þis womman þat he hadde dere iboȝt
And weddede hure as is owe wif & uolwede is þoȝt
So þat a quene of þe londe gret mid childe was
& was upe þe point to habbe child wanne oure Louerd ȝaf þe cas
Of þe chanteor he let ofesse wanne god time were
Ȝif it were ibore þe oþer sede as mi bok me deþ lere
In þe morwenynge to morwe wanne me may þe sonne ise[o]
Þer ne ssolde in al þe worlde þe childes per be[o]
Þo bad þe quene uaste þat it moste be[o] þo ibore
And þo ne abod it noȝt so longe ibore it was biuore
Ac þis womman þat was mid childe mid þis holi þinge
Aros up to milki hure kun al in þe morwenynge
And riȝt as þe sonne aros hamward aȝen he[o] com
And þis milk al hot ymilkid in a boket he[o] nom
As he[o] com to þe halle dore hure o uot wiþinne was
And hure oþer uot was wiþoute hure uel a wonder cas
Vpe þe þresuold he[o] uel adoun & hadde child riȝt þer
Noþer wiþinne hous ne wiþoute þis holi child he[o] ne ber
In þe time þat was so god as hure hosebonde sede ene
Wiþ þe milk al hot imilked þat child he[o] makede clene
In þulke time of gode wate þis child ibore was
Þat þe quene wolde habbe iheued ac hure uel ambes as


Þis child wax & wel iþei and to eche gode drou
For he hadde grace of God and gode wate inou
He[o] nas bote of wel ȝong elde ar oure Louerd on hure þoȝte
& mony fair miracle & swete al day for hure wroȝte
As þis child sat a day in a wonder cas
Hure heued iheled wiþ a cloþ as it ofte was
Þo þoȝte hure steffader & hure moder and alle þat hure seie
Þat cloþ was al avure and stod a liȝte liȝe
Þe moder dradde of þat child þat it ssolde hure lif forgon
To quenche þat fur uaste he[o] orn and þo nefonde non
He[o] wende it were bernynge vur ac he[o] fond þo it nas
Ac liȝt of þe Holi Gost þat aboute þe childe was
Þis enchanteor hure steffader at one time aslepe lay
Tweie wite cleriones in a uision he say
Stonde bi þis holy maide upriȝt in eiþer side
And hulde oile uppon hure heued and nemnede hure Bride
And sede ouer hure orisons as a preost wolde do
Wanne he uolleþ a child and baptizeþ hure also
Wat were þat bote angles þat fram heuene were aliȝt
Þat baptized þis holy maide & nemnede hure name ariȝt
Þo þis child eldore was it biuel in a day
Þat he[o] stod in orisons as muche uolk isay
Þo hurde hi a man wiþ hure speke ac hi ne seie him noȝt
And þis maide spak ek wiþ hym & stod ofte in þoȝt
Atte laste þis maide sede þis wordes one þere
Al þis is min al þis is min men wondrede wat it were
Þis maide seiþ soþ quaþ þis oþer for also it wole wende
For al þis place ssel [h]ure be[o] to þe worldes ende
So it was for þer is ȝute a churche of sein Bride


And a gret parisse in hure name þat lasteþ longe & wide
After þe tyme þat þe maide þat holy word sede
Men þat louede muche hare lond were þerof in gret drede
To þe enchanteor hure steffader hi come ofte & sede
Þat he ssolde þat maide anon out of þe londe lede
Oþer he ssolde him sulf bileue & lete hure of londe fle[o]
Þat sede in hure prophecie þat þulke lond ssolde hure be[o]
Þat certes quaþ þe chanteor þat ne ssel ic neuere mo
Ichelle raþer ȝou bileue & awei mid hure go
Þo it nemiȝte non oþer be[o] þe enchanteor hure nom
And ladde hure out of þulke lond & into anoþer com
Suþþe he broȝte hure to hure uader as forward was byuore
Of hure hure uader was wel glad þat he[o] euere was ibore
Muche wilnede al þat folk þat maide forto ise[o]
And he was ioiuol inou þat [ney] hure miȝte be[o]
So þat an holy wydue þat wonede þer in an ende
Bed Duptak þat þis maide moste wiþ hure wende
Þere muche folk was in a stude as he hadde to done
Þo þis widue hadde leue þis maide he tok sone
And wende touward þulke stude as al þis folk was
A wisman þer lay aslepe among al þis folk bicas
Þo þoȝte him in a uision þat he oure Leuedi ysey
Cominge softe þuderward and þat he[o] was ney
Ioiuol and glad he was inou for þis holy siȝte
Gret gome he nom of hure forme as ueruorþ as he miȝte
Mid hure þer was him þoȝte anoþer þat þeos wordes sede iwis
Lo þis is þe holy Marie þat amang ȝou an eorþe is
Mid þis word þis man awok for ioie he gan to crie
Ou he seide nou ich isei oure Leuedy seinte Marie
And seide hom al wat he hadde on & wat forme he[o] was
Þo com þis maide among hom in [] mid þis worde riȝt bicas
Anon so þis man isei hure come he gan to crie anhei


Lo here he sede þe swete Leuedy Marie þat ich isei
Of þe forme þat ich ȝou habbe itold for ich wot wel it is he[o]
Gode leuost hom þoȝte he was þat miȝte hure enes ise[o]
Honoured was seinte Bride as oure Leuedi riȝt þere
And muche of þe uolk wende þat oure Leuedi sulf it were
Oure Leuedi dude hure gret honur þat hure owe forme hure sende
And made hure honured as hure sulf as muche þat folk wende
Suþþe wende þis holy maide to hure moder anon
Twelf gode kun hure moder hadde þat muchel were echon
Hure moder & eke hure hosebonde toke þe maide to welde
Chese and botere & hore kun atom and eke auelde
And al þe wit þat þere was þat he ssolde up hure helde
And a certein day þer of triwe acontes ȝelde
Þat maide gaderede swuþe clene þe milk & þe chese
Botere and al þat þer of com nolde he[o] noþing leose
Wanne he[o] sei eny pouere men he[o] delde hit hom wel clene
Þat euere was hure deiȝerie of wiȝt bar and lene
Wanne hure day was ney icome acontes forto ȝulde
Of hure moder he[o] was sore adrad glad he[o] was wel selde
Ȝerne he[o] bad oure Louerd Crist þat ssolde be[o] oure red
He[o] nadde war of acontes ȝelde as hure moder hadde ised
Ac þo þe day was icome he[o] nuste war wiþ hure quite
For he[o] nadde in hure deiȝerie bote wel lite of wite
Naþeles þe moder þuder ȝeode to loke hou it verde


He fond ech lome iheped up al aboute þe brerde
Of chese and of botere and of oþer wiȝt also
Ne ssel he neuere is wille leose þat for oure Louerd wole do
Wo so hadde such a deie he ne dorste noȝt bymene
Þei is wiȝt were ofte issad oþer is kun lene
For þulke miracle hure steffader louede Cristendom
And byluuede ferst in Iesu Crist and Cristen man bicom
Hit biuel þer afterward þat þis maide aueld wende
Forto lokie to hure ssep & so gret rein oure Louerd sende
Þat hure cloþes al wet were aȝen he[o] gan gon
To drie he[o] wolde is honge ac he[o] ne sai noȝt waron
Þe sonne sson in at an hol up þe bem of þe sonne
Hure wete cloþes he[o] heng to drowe þat al a water ronne
Me þingþ he ne dorste carie noȝt perche forto finde
Wanne he[o] wolde hure cloþes honge & þe sonne ssinde
Þis holy maide wiþ hure moder to hure uader suþþe drou
And was wiþ him as he[o] was er ac him þoȝte longe inou
For al he[o] ȝef poueremen þat he[o] miȝte hond on sette
For al þat hure uader miȝte do he ne miȝte hure þerof lette
Þo he[o] hadde iserued him lange so in wraþþe & cheste inou
He nom & ladde hure to sulle and toward þe kynge drou
Þo he com to þe kinges court as he hadde iwend aboute
He wende al one into þe kyng and let þe maide wiþoute
He bitok hure is swerd to wite leuost of alle þinge
For it was god and riche inou & for he it hadde of þe kinge
He wende him biuore þis king & spak wiþ him is fulle
And is doȝter þat was so god chepede him to sulle
Wi woltou sulle quaþ þe kyng þi doȝter þat þe is so leof


Sire ich mot nede quaþ þis oþer for he[o] is a strang þeof
For he[o] stelþ outlich alle þing þat he[o] may hond [on] do
And ȝifþ it aboute inot ware þat i necome neuere þerto
Þe wile þis men wiþinne were & speke here aboute
Anoþer tripet to hure uader þis maide dude wiþoute
For a beggare com & bad hure god & he[o] ȝaf him anon
Hure fader swerd þat was so leof & het him forþ gon
As god hadde hure fader ibe[o ] to habbe wiþ him ibore
Oþer itake anoþer to loke þat he [it] nadde noȝt ilore
So þat þe vader wende him out to bringe [hire] biuore þe kinge
He com & miste is gode swerd leuost of alle þinge
He was ney for wraþþe wod he nuste wat do for teone
Þer riȝt he wolde hure habbe aslawe bote as men ȝeode bitwene
He ladde hure in biuore þe kyng and tolde al hure dede
Nou leoue doȝter quaþ þe king hou þenchestou þi lif lede
Wy hastou þi uader swerd so foliche awei ido
Þat ich him ȝaf for grete loue & þat him was so leof also
For gode sire quaþ þis maide ȝif ich hadde poer
Of him sulue oþer of þe as prout as ȝe beoþ her
And a pouere man for Godes loue me bede þat ich ȝou ȝeue
For al ȝoure prute ne ȝoure loue siker ich nolde bileue
Þat ich nolde ȝou ȝiue for Godes loue & al ȝoure god þerto
Inolde it bileue for no drede ȝif ich miȝte do
Nou makestou þe quaþ þe king gret maister iwis
God ssulde us dame fram eche stude þer þi poer is
Duptak þis maide is to deore þat i nemay come þerto
To deore he[o] is me to bugge and þe to sulle also
For i nemiȝte noȝt reime þat tresour þat wel to lite nere
Þere uore beoþ togadere ȝut as ȝe byuore were


Þis maide he ȝaf a god swerd hure fader forto take
To bynime his wraþþe & is loþ acord forto make
And made acord bytwene hom and bed hom goday
Þis godeman nam is doȝter hom þo he non oþer ne say
And weste fram hure is god as feruorþ as he miȝte
Ac noȝt so þat euere among somþing þat maide diȝte
Suþþe it biuel þer afterward þat þis maide ssolde
To a gret duk yspoused be[o] as al hure vrendes wolde
Hure uader it wolde þoru alle þing & bad hure be[o] ȝare þerto
Þis maide spak euere faire ac he[o] ne þoȝte hit neuere do
He[o] bad oure Louerd niȝt & day hure wissi and rede
And sende hure þane deþ uppon þanne do þulke dede
Oþer binime hure on of hure lymes oþer som lac hure sende
War þoru þe mannes herte fram hure miȝte wende
Oure Louerd hurde hure bone wel & hure on eiȝe hure bynom
Þat it ne bileuede in hure heued noȝt he[o] nuste war it bicom
Gret angwisse he[o] hadde inou and naþeles he[o] was fawe
Anon þis ȝonge man þis isey his herte he gan wiþdrawe
God schulde me he sede to ssende my sulue so
To wedde an oneyde quene inelle it neuere do
Wel leouer hure was to leose hure eiȝe ȝe parde boþe to
Þanne to be[o] iwedded wif folie forto do
Were wymmen ivare nouþe so wo so wolde ȝeorne crie
As wel we mowe segge nay wat halt it to lye
Ac seinte Bride leuer was as it seiþ in þe gospelle
To heuene wende wiþ on eiȝe þanne wiþ tweie to helle
Þis maide þo hure fader bisoȝte þat he nere þer aȝen noȝt
To ȝiue hure leue to be[o] nonne as he[o] him hadde er isoȝt


Þo hure uader isei þat it was to hure þat beste lif
For wanne he[o] imaymed was he[o] nere noȝt to be[o] wif
He ȝaf hure leue to be[o] nonne swuþe glad he[o] þo bicom
Wel be tyme he[o] wende vorþ & þen holi ueil nom
So sone so he[o] was nonne imaked & iconfermed also
Of þe bissop faste inou þat it nemiȝte noȝt be[o] vndo
Oure Louerd hure sende hure eiȝe aȝen as god as he was er
For he may binde & vnbinde as it was isene þer
Ne der noman esse wer he[o] ladde god lif & clene þo
Miracle he[o] dude manyon and monymon he[o] broȝte of wo
Meseles come to hure a day aþurst and acale
Bede hure som drynke for Godes loue he[o] nadde a sope ale
A uat þer stod of baþ [water] he[o] ȝef it hure blessinge
Þe beste ale alyue it bicom he[o] ȝef þe museles drinke
Þer com ek a womman & bad hure salt & he[o] nadde riȝt non
Mid a blessinge he[o] turnde to salt a gret hard ston
Þre[o] sikemen eke hure bede god as hy to hure come
A selueren coppe he ȝef hom and hi gladlich hit nome
So þat hi bigonne to striue hou hi hit dele miȝte
Abideþ sede þis holy maide ich it wole euene diȝte
Þis coppe he[o] smot aȝen a ston þat he wond aþre[o]
Euerich is del ilyche muche as euene as it miȝte be[o]
Þis miracle and many oþere þis holy maide wroȝte
Boþe blinde & dombe also to gode hele he[o] broȝte
Attelaste as God it wolde touward deþe he[o] drou
Biuore hure deþe he[o] was iwar þerof longe inou
Þe ferste day of Feuerer hure lif he[o] broȝte to ende
God lete us alle forþ wiþ hure to þe ioie of heuene wende