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Off the tresoun of Alexander contruvit be Dare

Off the tresoun of Alexander contruvit be Dare

Thus Alexander traistit in Daris men,
Suppois þare conditiounis he micht nocht ken;
Sa ane of thame, that was ane lord in Peirs,
That man to Alexander new cummyn was,
Quhilk with ane douchter of Daris was in amouris,
Ane prince, quhilk was an[e] of his governouris,
And wald fane had ane into mariage;
Bot he was a man of law parage—
He micht nevir gett hir fader will quhill he
Had oblist him till his bidding to be,
Till antyr him King Alexander to sla
In his chalmer, quhan nane was bot þai tua,
And doand þis, he sould his dochter haif,
And halff his land, and governe all þe laif.
Than Alexander in takin of his enseingȝe
Had ordand for to bere on all his menȝe,
As we do here the cors of Sanct Androw,
Or Sanct Denys of France þe kynd awow;
Sa was that prince in wed of Macedone,
And Alexanderis takin bare him apoun,
And quhan he was in secreit with the king,
And all the laif was furth in þare playing
Vnto the ladyis vp in þe pallis,
And with the king richt few þare levit was,
He drew him nere behyind him in þe myrk,
And on the hed ane straik he couth him hitt,


And tocht to cleif him to the schulderis doun;
The swerd flauterit, and skelist on his crovn,
And schidlingis schare þe hatteral of his hede,
Quhill that the king founderit in þat stede,
And start about, and tocht him for to claucht;
Bot he þat did, he fled with all his maucht,
Quhill in þe chalmer fast þai tressoun cryit,
And all the lordis to the king alyde,
And socht the hous, and fand the tratoure þare.
And he grantit quho that his master Dare
Had hecht him land, lordschip, and lady,
For till vmbedo the conquerioure wourthy,
Quhilk him fortocht, and rewit wounder sare,
Bot, for with luffe he stressit was sa sore,
Wald anter him to de erare in þat place,
In hope to stand into his ladyis grace;
And askit him for his hie maiestie,
His wourschip, clemence, and grete pitie,
For till haue merce and compatience,
“And think þow man wald mak obedience
Vnworthely oft tymes, for heit of luffe,
Havand nane ee to wourschip na reprufe,
Quhilk, and he war temperit in his richt witt,
Wald for na gold consent ane poynt of it.”
Than Alexander, þat was of hie prudence,
Consederand wele þat king suld haue clemence,
And grete wourschip is till ane prince alsua
Till haue mercie quhan he may vengence ta,
And namlie on ane pure creature,
Suppois that he hed maid sum forfature,
And als had eye þat lufe in money wayis
Gerris mony wise man oft tyme do folyse—
For oft tyme seis þat dedis of nature
Puttis lyfe and saull oft tymes in eventure—
Than said the king, “Sen þow excusis the,
Sayand that lufe has hed of þe maiestre,
Here I forgiff þe frelie, with gud will,
And pace and grace with mercie gevis the till,
And to þai ladie I sall mak request
That lufe for lufe scho grant the at the leist.”


And grate rewarde and giftis till him gaif,
And send him to his maister sound and saue.
Than Alexander þare till his lordingis said,
“Wele war þe prince þat mony sic men had:
He was sa bauld ane sprite and gud corrage,
It war wele like he war of hie parrage.”
Than Dare traistit his trety was for nocht
That he before be his epistill had socht:
This may men se, and oft tymes it [is] kend,
That fals tressoun oft cummys foul till end.