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A Paraphrase on The Ten Commandments in Divine Poems

Illustrated With Twelve Copper Plates, shewing how Personal Punishments has been inflicted on the Transgressors of these Commandments, as is Recorded in the Holy Scripture. Never before Printed. Also, a Metrical Paraphrase upon the Creed and Lord's-Prayer. Written by George Wither

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Commandment IV.

['Tis not in the Common Creed]

IIII. Remember that thou keep holy ye Sabboth day &c.

'Tis not in the Common Creed
That he gather'd Sticks for need,
Who for Sabbath breaking dy'd,
For all wants were so supply'd,
That it seems he did transgress,
By Contempt, or Carelessness.
He commits the same offence,
'Gainst this Precepts moral sence,
Who the Christian Sabbaths wrongs,
And a Plague to him belongs.