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The teares or lamentations of a sorrowfull Soule

Set foorth by Sir William Leighton

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A Morning meditation.
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A Morning meditation.


Psal. 3. 5.

I laide me downe to rest, and slept,

and in the morning rose againe,
God me sustain'd and safely kept,
and by his grace did me maintaine.


Psal. 90. 20

His Angels pitch't, me round about,

sleeping and waking keeping me,
Both comming in and going out,
they guarde me with securitie.


Psal. 5. 3, Psa. 59. 16. Psal. 92. 2.

Lord here my voice in morning bright

when I my praiers do direct,
And waite till thou the God of light,
doe heere and helpe me with effect.


Luke. 18. 10. 11.

O Father full of power and might,

mercie and loue, how dare I cast:
Mine eies into thy heauenly sight,
If thou remember my sinnes past.


Luke. 18. 12. 13.

How can I thinke or hope for good,

heere in the earth to come from high,


Hauing so much thy lawes withstoode,
And sin'd against thy maiesty.


Thou in thy power & knowledg deepe
lord seest the wicked waies of mine,

Prou. 15. 4. Psa. 138. 7.

Whether in sinne I wake or sleepe,
they are all open to thine eyne.


My vaine corrupt and euill deeds,
my imperfections more and more,
With my pollutions which still breedes,
thine anger worse, then was before.


Thy iudgement, I might iustly feare,
if thou should'st note what's don amisse

Psal. 93. 16 Psal. 126. 2

Thou might'st in torture be seuere,
but thou giu'st rest, sleepe, peace & blisse.


And hast me rais'de vp by thy hand,
for onely thou preseruest mee,

1. Kings. 17. 6. Dan. 24. 33

And me desend'st by sea and land,
a wake or sleepe (I seruing thee)


whether I walke, worke, eate or drinke
or what ere else, doe what I will,

1 Corr. 10. Collo. 3. 17

Thou blessest all that I can thinke,
without thy blessings all were ill.


For I a creature weake and faint,

Psal. 6. 3. 11. Psal. 50. 10.

subiect to daungers that are rife,


And closly workes my soule to taint,
in this corrupt and euill life.


I lie alasse in night and blindenes,

Psa. 33. 20.

and haue no watch mee to defend,

Yet am preseru'de by thy kindnes,
from them that ill to mee intend.


Whose owlish eies doe shun the light,
who lay their traps & snares in darke
But thou defend me with thy might,

Psa. 120. 4.

& with bright eie their worke do'st marke


Thou deare kinde Father full of loue,
regardest thy weake and little ones,
Thy many mercies do thee moue,
t'inuiron them soule, blood & bones.


Psal. 2. 9. Reue. 12. 9. Reue. 20. 2.

O gratious God I giue thee thankes,

for all thiese mercies maniefold,
Saue me from all the perilous prankes,
of sinne, and of that Serpent ould.


Mat. 3. 8.

Forgiue me mine offences Lord,

with true repentance Lord me right,
Let thankes with life reform'd accorde,
with trewe obedience in thy sight.


Psal. 51.

I am inclin'd to vanitie;

to slide into one sinne or other,


No day nor houre true peace finde I,
since first I came frō wombe of mother.


With many foes I am beset,

Ro. 7. 24. Gala. 5. 6. 17.

corruptions in me dayly fight,
Which workeing of thy graces let,
and gain'st my faith vse all their might.


Wresting my will and settled minde,
from true sincerity to sinne,
From good desires to be inclin'de,
to deepe dispaire and die therein.


To make one trust in blandishment,
of wicked world my soule deceauing,
And in my soules sad languishment,
of comforts all my soule bereauing.


I flie vnto the sanctuary,
of thy deare care and prouidence,
Assured I shall not miscarry,
when I depend on thy defence.

Psal. 16. 8. Iam. 1. 3.


Keepe me therefore O King of Kings
as precious Apple of thine eie,
This day me shroud vnder thy winges,
for by thy sauing health liue I.


Teach me the truth, me knowledg giue
and wisdome with all humblenes,


Obedience, zeale, and faith relieue,

Psa. 13.

my soule with hope in all distresse.


Chaunge me from sinne to sanctitie,
from the nights darknes vnto light,
Let my colde zeale, most ardent be,
to serue the Lord both day & night.


Teach me iustly to execute,
my outward calling, giue successe:
And happie issue to my suite,

Psal. 89. 17.

and all my lawfull labours blesse.


To brethren loue and equitie,
to me and mine in godly care:
With heart and minde true pietie:
to God alone let me repaire.


Psal. 1. 3. 4. 5.

And let thy holy spirit so nourish,

and gouerne me, that more & more,
I may increase, beare fruit and florish,
in godlines and goodnes store.


Vntill thou shalt cut off this life,
that is corrupt with deadly sinne,
And by Christs merrites end the strife,
of mortall warres my soule liues in.


Osa. 11. 4. Canti. 1.

And draw me then with cords of loue,

to thee and thy Tuition,


To new Ierusalem aboue,
and giue mee there fruition.


Off thee, & those that raign with thee,
with Christ and all that in thy word,
Thou promi'st me; graunt this to mee,
for the same Christ his sake, O Lord.