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The Court of Conscience or Dick Whippers Sessions

With the order of his arraigning and punishing of many notorious, dissembling, wicked, and vitious liuers in this age. By Richard West

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Obedient Childe.

In honor, loue, and true obedience,
Towards thy Parents dutifull and kinde:
Thou hast endeuoured with dilligence,
To be submissiue and of lowly minde.
All to enlarge, encrease, and to prolong,
Thy happy dayes, (as heauenly Fathers tongue.
Hath openly vpon the Mount declared,
In the pronouncing of his holy lawes:)
The path to heauens kingdome is prepared,
For thee to walke, suppressing hellish clawes.
Which haue beene raking at the heauens anointed,
To walke the pathes forbidden and vnappointed.
Meeke in behauiour, courteous in speech,
Lowly and reuerent to all thy betters:
Orderly giuen, loth for to impeach
Thy nurture, being train'd in godly letters.
Heauens dew be-water that young tender plant,
A sweet encrease God grant it neuer want.
That as a second Daniell it foresee,
And prye into deceitfull false deuises:
Of false accusing Elders, and to be
A Iudge to punish such bad enterprises,
As are committed by a damned sect,
Of togues and vagabounds the Hels elect.