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Westward toward þulke stede as þe sonne drawþ aȝen eue
Þer þou ssalt finde an place god inne to bileue
An yle god & riche inou þe se geþ al aboute
Ȝwile þat lond was ifulde wiþ geans suiþe proute
& now it is as a wildernesse vor noman þer inne nis
To þe it wole be god & riche & to alle þine iwis
& it worþ as an oþer troye to þe & so god
Þat þer ssolle kinges come and springe of þi blod


Þo brut awok of is slep al þis he vnder stod
His men he tolde of þat cas wiþ wel bliþe mod
Hii ȝarkede hom & wende vorþ þe wind was god inou
So þat toward þe west þe ssiprene drou
So þat wiþinne þritti dawes to affric hii come
& arst hii wende ofte alond & fette hom preie ilome
& foȝte & slowe muchel folc vor noman hom at stod
Fram affric hii wende vorþ mid þe wind þat was so god
So þat hii found in a stede hor kinrede bi cas
Of þe noble man hercules þat wule of troye was
Corineus het hor souerein þat so strong was of honde
Þat him ne miȝte no man ne no geant at stonde
Þo þis folc to gadere com & brut corineus fond
Þe strengost man & mest him þouȝte of eni lond


Hii aqueynted hom a non & bi come frend riȝt gode
Boþe vor hor prowesse & vor hii were of one blode
Þo was þe compaynie strong & strengore þan it was er
Al in one compainie hii wende vorþ riȝt þer
In þe se wiþ god wind so þat atte laste
In to þe on ende of gascoine þe wind hor ssipes caste
Corineus þe stronge man þre hondred men nom
& wende alond to honti þo he to londe com