University of Virginia Library

Þenne he seih in his chaumbre-flor þreo souht vp at enes.
þe braunches on heiȝ weoren alle of o lengþe;
Bote þe bark of þat on semede dimmore
þen ouþer of þe oþer two trouwe þou forsoþe;
þat signede Ihesu crist for sake of vre kuynde,
was nout out-wiþ so cler bote wiþ-inne he was clene.
He calles on his chaumberleyn to kennen vncouþes,
And he rises a-non and for ferd falles.
And he feres him vp and bad him not ben ferd;
“þer schal falle non euel of þat is here formed.”
þei lihten two torches and to þis treos wenten;
þei weore semeli bi-neoþe þei mihte not seo þe heiȝþe,
sprongen wiþ gret sped of a good spice.
On vche braunche was a word of þreo maner enkes;
Gold and Seluer he seis and Asur forsoþe.
“‘þis makeþ,’” quod þe wiht “þe marke of gold;”
“And ‘þis saues,’” quaþ þat wiht “þe seyne of seluer;
And ‘þis clanses’ as þe Asur kennes.”
þe kyng nuste wel forte seye bi wit þat he hedde,
wheþer þat he seȝe was on forte sigge,
oþer two, or þreo or what he miȝte telle.
þe kyng was a-bascht and to his bed buskes;
and his Chaumberleyn so a-ferd þat neih he felde Iswowen.
þenne he seiȝ a newe chaumbre-wouh wrouȝt al of bordes,
a dore honginge þer-on haspet ful faste,


A child cominge þorw his come was nout seene,
Siþen lenges a while and a-ȝein lendes,
wiþ-outen faute oþer faus as þei fore seiden.
þenne spekes a vois and on heiȝ sigges,
“king, haue þou no ferli of þat is heere formed,
for so god with-outen wem wende in a Mayden.”