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Ane Co[m]pendious [buik] of godlie Psalmes and spirit[uall Sangis]

collectit furthe of sindrie pa[rtis of the] Scripture, with diueris utheris [balla]tis changeit out of prophaine [sangis] in godlie sangis, for [avodying of] sin and harlatrie. With [aug]mentation of sindrie [gude] and godlie Ballattis not contenit in the first editioun [by John Wedderburn]

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Certaine spirituall sangis, togidder with ane confessioun of sin, and ane prayer.

Sore I complaine of Sin,
And with King Dauid weip:
I feill my hart within
The wraith of God full deip,
I wyte my greit trespas
Is caus of all my wo,
Quhairwith God greuit was
Full sore and oft also.
O God I me confes,
Ane sinfull creature
Full of all wretchitnes
Fragill, vaine, vyle and pure.
Thair is na gude in me
Bot pryde, lust and desyre
And warldis vanitie,
The way to hellis fyre.
Except God do me saue,
From hell and endles paine:
My sin will me dissaue:
Quhilk I can not refraine.
My only hope and traist
Help my fragillitie
My sinnes to detest


Resistand constantlie.
O Cast me not away,
For my grit sinne o Lord
I grant my vices all:
Blasphemit hes thy word.
God for thy grit mercie
And Christis woundis wyde
Ane steidfast Faith grant me
Allone to be my gyde.
Christ Goddis Sone allone,
Uictour of deid and hell:
Thow tuke my nature one
My sinnis to expell,
And gaif thy self to plaige,
Me Catiue to conuoy:
To my richt heritage
From paine to heuinlie ioy.
Thy seruand Lord defend,
Quhome thow hes bocht sa deir
Trew preichours to me send
Thy word to schaw me cleir,
Lat me my lyfe amend,
And thairin perseueir
Grant me ane blyssit end
Quhen I sall part from heir.
O Lord God haly Spreit,
Full of benignitie
Trew Christis promeis sweit
Teiche me the veritie,


Expell my Ignorance
My sinnis mortilie
Grant me perseuerance
Unto the end trewlie.