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The Mirrour of Mutabilitie

or Principall part of the Mirrour for Magistrates. Describing the fall of diuers famous Princes, and other memorable Personages. Selected out of the sacred Scriptures by Antony Munday, and dedicated to the Right Honorable the Earle of Oxenford

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Thomas Spigurnel in praise of the Book and the Author.
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Thomas Spigurnel in praise of the Book and the Author.

For all that Chaucer had great praise/
For penning verse which he did vse:
By pratling pen his fame to raise/
And so to occupy his muse.
Yet therin sure he did abuse,
His muse, his minde and eke his wit:
By leauing things that were more fit.
My Freend heer paynfully hath pend,
A Mirrour playne for vs to view:
A Glasse wheron wee may depend,
To see what mischeef dooth ensue,
Of wickednes and eke the crue.
Of such as do delight therin:
And so their owne destruction win.
The Historyes be sacred sure,
And such as be moste woorthy prayse:
For Uertue by them shall indure,
And so cut of all wicked wayes,
And so I leaue by pen to prayse,
The fame of this moste woorthy Booke
And eke the pains that Munday took.