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ELEGIA. 13. Ad Aurorem ne properet.

Now ore the sea from her old Loue comes she
That drawes the day from heauens cold axeltree.
Aurora whither slidest thou? downe againe
And birds from Memnon yearely shal be slayne.
Now in her tender armes I sweetely bide
If euer, now well lyes she by my side.
The aire is cold, and sleepe is sweetest now
And birds send forth shrill notes from euery bough,
Whether run'st thou, that men, and women loue not
Hold in thy rosy horses that they moue not?
Ere thou rise, starres teach sea-men where to saile

But when thou commest they of their courses faile.
Poore trauailers though tired, rise at thy sight,
And souldiers make them ready to the fight.
The painefull hinde by thee to field is sent,
Slowe Oxen early in the yoake are pent.
Thou cousenst boyes of sleepe, and doest betray them
To Pedants that with cruell lashes pay them.
Thou mak'st the surety to the Lawyer runne,
That with one word hath nigh himselfe vndone.
The Lawyer and the Client hate thy view,
Both whom thou raisest vp to toyle anew.
By thy meanes women of their rest are bard,
Thou setst their labouring hands to spin and card.
All could I beare, but that the wench should rise,
Who can endure saue him with whom none lyes?
How oft wisht I, night would not giue thee place,
Nor morning starres shunne thy vprising face.
How oft that either winde would breake thy coach,
Or steeds might fall forc'd with thicke clouds approach.
Whether goest thou hatefull Nymph? Memnon the elfe
Receiu'd his cole-blacke colour from thy selfe.
Say that thy loue with Cæphalus were not knowne,
Then thinkest thou thy loose life is not showne.
Would Tithon might but talke of thee a while.
Not one in heauen should be more base and vile,
Thou leauest his bed, because he's faint through age,
And early mountest thy hatefull carriage,
But heldst thou in thine armes some Cæphalus,
Then wouldst thou cry, stay night and run not thus.
Doest punish me, because yeares make him waine,
I did not bid thee wed an aged swaine?
The Moone sleepes with Endymion euery day,

Thou art as faire as she, then kisse and play.
Ioue that thou should'st not hast but waite his leasure,
Made two nights one to finish vp his pleasure.
I chide no more, she blusht and therefore heard me,
Yet lingered not the day, but morning scard me.