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Dia Poemata

Poetick Feet Standing Upon Holy Ground: Or, Verses on certain Texts of Scripture. With Epigrams, &c. By E. E. [i.e. Edmund Elys]

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To his most Deserving Friend, Mr. E. E. on his DIAPOEMATA.

I'm bash'd to read thy Verse, as I begin
To Scan thy Worth, my Muse comes Trembling in:
When I turn over this foul leaf, I'de ne're
Look back again, but that Thy Name is here;
Thou art no Pedling-Poet, what's here Writ.
Is at whole Sale; Thy Book's a Shop of Wit?
Th' Poets Nutshell, a Volume in each Page,
W'admire thy Youth in thy ripe Muses Age.
I cease to praise thy Book, what e're we see,
In that of Worth, I'm sure there's more in Thee.
Thou art a Poet, and Divine, Who's thus
Doth ride to Heav'n on Winged Pegasus.
John Parker.