Astraea's Teares An Elegie Vpon the death of that Reverend, Learned and Honest Judge, Sir Richard Hutton Knight; Lately one of his Majesties Iustices in his Highnesse Court of Common Plees at Westminster [by Richard Brathwait] |
Astraea's Teares | ||
Astræa's Shrine.
To those who cherish Vertue, or retaine
The style of reall good, or scorne to staine
Astræa's Liv'ry; or fancy that
Which the High Court of Honour levells at,
Or to their Countreys and their owne behoofe
Prove in the Scale Parl'amentary proofe;
Who guild not Pietie with meere pretence,
Nor render judgement 'gainst their conscience;
Weare their Prætorian Scarlet till't wax old,
And value Justice more then Ophir-gold;
Who feare no Writs of Ease, but take delight
To doe the Widdow and the Orphan right,
Or store the Almes-basket, or provide
For such as have no Earthly Helpes beside,
Or purchase poormens prayers, or leave their Heires
Seaz'd lesse of acres then religious cares,
Or with a pure and undefiled Zeale
Disturbe not peace of Church nor Commonweale;
Or when they sit on Seats of Justice tremble,
Remembring on those Thrones whom they resemble:
The style of reall good, or scorne to staine
Astræa's Liv'ry; or fancy that
Which the High Court of Honour levells at,
Or to their Countreys and their owne behoofe
Prove in the Scale Parl'amentary proofe;
Who guild not Pietie with meere pretence,
Nor render judgement 'gainst their conscience;
Weare their Prætorian Scarlet till't wax old,
And value Justice more then Ophir-gold;
Who feare no Writs of Ease, but take delight
To doe the Widdow and the Orphan right,
Or store the Almes-basket, or provide
For such as have no Earthly Helpes beside,
Or purchase poormens prayers, or leave their Heires
Seaz'd lesse of acres then religious cares,
Or with a pure and undefiled Zeale
Disturbe not peace of Church nor Commonweale;
Or when they sit on Seats of Justice tremble,
Remembring on those Thrones whom they resemble:
To those this aged Shrine we reared have,
Will be a Lampe to light them to their Grave,
From whence such precious Odours shall take breath,
As may perfume their Ashes after death.
Will be a Lampe to light them to their Grave,
From whence such precious Odours shall take breath,
As may perfume their Ashes after death.
Astraea's Teares | ||