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The Historie of Ivdith in Forme of a Poeme

Penned in French, by the Noble Poet, G. Salust. Lord of Bartas. Englished by Tho. Hudson

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Now since th' Eternall did reueale his will,
Vpon the sacred top of Syna Hill,
the Arke of God which wisedome more did holde,
In Tables two, then all the Grekes haue tolde.
And more then euer Rome could comprehend,
In huge of learned bookes that they pend:
Long wandred it throw tribs, throw kin and kin,

Sam. 1.4. Sam. 2.6.

and found no certaine place of resting in.

Yea sometime it the shamefull spoile hath beene
to sacrilegious hands of Palestene,
vntill that time, that Iessies holie race,
for euer lodged it in Iebus place.