The French Historie That is; A lamentable Discourse of three of the chiefe, and most famous bloodie broiles that haue happened in France for the Gospell of Iesus Christ. Namelie; 1 The outrage called The winning of S. Iames his Streete, 1557. 2 The constant Martirdome of Annas Burgeus one of the K. Councell, 1559. 3 The bloodie Marriage of Margaret Sister to Charles the 9. Anno 1572. Published by A. D. [i.e. Anne Dowrich] |
The French Historie | ||
The iudgements of the Lord which fell vpon King Henrie the second after he had caused Burgæus to be imprisoned Anno 1589. Dilated by the examples of Ahab, Amaziah, and Zedechiah, wicked Kings, which vsed the like crueltie against the word.
The Lord on Elies sonnes and sinnes, this sentence gaue;
They that doo loue and honor me, great honor still shall haue:
But they that doo despise my word, my law, and will;
They shall be sure of euerie man to be abhored still.
Which sentence of the Lord for euer shall be true:
As by examples we may see of such as doo insue;
For when as Ahab was in fond and foolish rage
To Ramoth Gilead stoutlie bent, vniustlie warres to wage:
A Prophet from the Lord did tell him verie plaine,
That if this warre he took in hand King Ahab should be slain.
But to the prison straight this Prophet then was led;
The king gaue charge that he shuld be with bread & water fed,
Till he returned safe from Gilead home againe:
But what befell? It came to passe the King indeed was slaine.
So Amaziah (which by idolls did offend)
Vnto the Prophet would not yeeld his willing eare to bend.
But did with bitter scoffes and scornes reproue the word:
For which he was by Iehu spoild, and taken by the sword.
So Zedekiah proud from sinne would not returne:
But Rebel-like, the word of God he did with fire burne.
And Ieremie by him was oft in prison pent;
Because he said, the King and all to Babel should be sent.
But let vs see his ende; the King of Babel came,
Who toke him captiue with his men, & put them al to shame.
And he that was content Gods Prophet to disgrace,
Was forc'te to see the murder of his sonnes before his face;
His eies that would not see Gods truth and shining light,
The King of Babel put them out as they deserude of right
So Henrie King of France which all his force did bend
Against the truth, did from the Lord receaue a fearfull end.
For now amidst the ruffe of all their mirth and ioy,
When euerie man deuised how the godlie to destroie.
The time appointed came, for marriage of the King,
Which to the Court & Courtiers did great mirth & pleasure bring.
And for the greater pompe of all this princely traine,
A solemne Iust the youthlie King by Crier did proclaime:
In which he meant to shew his manhood and his might.
And being horst with limber speare in armor shining bright,
He chose among the rest (the challenge now begun)
Mongomerie Captaine of his gard against him for to runne.
Which he did oft refuse, and wiselie did withstand,
Till that the King the fatall speare put in his Captaines hand.
Where charging with their spears, & forcing might & main,
A splinter pierst the Princes eie, and ranne vnto his braine.
The King with sodaine wound and bleeding much dismaid,
Within the next adioyning house to bed he was conuaide.
Where plungd with grieuous pain, his conscience did lament
The wrong which he had done to those whō he to prison sent.
“I greatlie feare (said he) least I haue done some ill
“Against Burgæus and the rest, whose blood I sought to spill.
But Elimas the witch doth spend his cursed winde,
From such remorse to keep in thral the Kings afflicted minde:
“It is (said he) thy foe, that doth assault thy faith,
“In which take heed that thou remain stil constant to thy death.
This heauie hap befell (as manie men haue tolde)
Nere to the place wherein as then Burgeus was in hold.
And manie did obserue that he did kill the King
Which was commanded to the Iaile Burgæus for to bring.
The King did often brag those eies of his should see
Burgæus burnt; but loe the Lord did alter that decree.
For ere Burgæus was vnto the fire led,
Mongomeric had those eies of his thrust cleane out of his head.
Now here we plainlie see the life, and heauie end
Of thē which persecute the truth, which God doth often send.
And let vs warning take by this most fearfull fate,
For to returne and loath our sinne, before it be too late.
They that doo loue and honor me, great honor still shall haue:
But they that doo despise my word, my law, and will;
They shall be sure of euerie man to be abhored still.
Which sentence of the Lord for euer shall be true:
As by examples we may see of such as doo insue;
For when as Ahab was in fond and foolish rage
To Ramoth Gilead stoutlie bent, vniustlie warres to wage:
A Prophet from the Lord did tell him verie plaine,
That if this warre he took in hand King Ahab should be slain.
But to the prison straight this Prophet then was led;
The king gaue charge that he shuld be with bread & water fed,
Till he returned safe from Gilead home againe:
But what befell? It came to passe the King indeed was slaine.
So Amaziah (which by idolls did offend)
Vnto the Prophet would not yeeld his willing eare to bend.
But did with bitter scoffes and scornes reproue the word:
For which he was by Iehu spoild, and taken by the sword.
So Zedekiah proud from sinne would not returne:
But Rebel-like, the word of God he did with fire burne.
And Ieremie by him was oft in prison pent;
Because he said, the King and all to Babel should be sent.
But let vs see his ende; the King of Babel came,
And he that was content Gods Prophet to disgrace,
Was forc'te to see the murder of his sonnes before his face;
His eies that would not see Gods truth and shining light,
The King of Babel put them out as they deserude of right
So Henrie King of France which all his force did bend
Against the truth, did from the Lord receaue a fearfull end.
For now amidst the ruffe of all their mirth and ioy,
When euerie man deuised how the godlie to destroie.
The time appointed came, for marriage of the King,
Which to the Court & Courtiers did great mirth & pleasure bring.
And for the greater pompe of all this princely traine,
A solemne Iust the youthlie King by Crier did proclaime:
In which he meant to shew his manhood and his might.
And being horst with limber speare in armor shining bright,
He chose among the rest (the challenge now begun)
Mongomerie Captaine of his gard against him for to runne.
Which he did oft refuse, and wiselie did withstand,
Till that the King the fatall speare put in his Captaines hand.
Where charging with their spears, & forcing might & main,
A splinter pierst the Princes eie, and ranne vnto his braine.
The King with sodaine wound and bleeding much dismaid,
Within the next adioyning house to bed he was conuaide.
Where plungd with grieuous pain, his conscience did lament
The wrong which he had done to those whō he to prison sent.
“I greatlie feare (said he) least I haue done some ill
“Against Burgæus and the rest, whose blood I sought to spill.
But Elimas the witch doth spend his cursed winde,
From such remorse to keep in thral the Kings afflicted minde:
“It is (said he) thy foe, that doth assault thy faith,
“In which take heed that thou remain stil constant to thy death.
This heauie hap befell (as manie men haue tolde)
Nere to the place wherein as then Burgeus was in hold.
Which was commanded to the Iaile Burgæus for to bring.
The King did often brag those eies of his should see
Burgæus burnt; but loe the Lord did alter that decree.
For ere Burgæus was vnto the fire led,
Mongomeric had those eies of his thrust cleane out of his head.
Now here we plainlie see the life, and heauie end
Of thē which persecute the truth, which God doth often send.
And let vs warning take by this most fearfull fate,
For to returne and loath our sinne, before it be too late.
The French Historie | ||