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Of Good and Ill.

Ill IS no more, then IS a meere Defect;
Defect of GOOD, Is ill; yet Ill, IS not:
For, vvhat IS, was made good: then, no Effect
But Defect Ill is: yet, IS Ill a Blot.
Yet, Ill IS not; because not made it is:
For, All that IS (besides the MAKER) vvas
Made good; so good, that nought vvas made amisse:
Then Ill IS nought; vvhich nought can bring to passe.
But, is Ill nought? vvhy then it IS, though nought:
But, Nought is nothing: then, IS Nothing? No.
Yet is it Nought, descending still from Ought:
So, then it IS, and yet, it is not so.
All this is true: if so; then, Nothing IS,
Which cannot Bee: and yet it IS amisse.