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The Authoure.
With that she flitted in the ayre abrode,As twere a miste or smoke dissolued quite,
And or I long on this had made abode,
A virgine smale, appearde before my sight,
For colde and wet eke scarsly moue she might,
As from the waters drownde she didering came:
Thus wise, hir tale in order did she frame.
Who here considers Elstrides beauty braue was seene,
Her noble birth, the sundry haps shee had:
How many erst the like infortunate haue beene,
Whose forme haue made right noble hearts full sad:
Hee neede not now in loue bee halfe so mad,
Sith beauty is the baite enbaneth many a bower,
A meate two sweete in taste, that sauced is two sower.
Her noble birth, the sundry haps shee had:
How many erst the like infortunate haue beene,
Whose forme haue made right noble hearts full sad:
Hee neede not now in loue bee halfe so mad,
Sith beauty is the baite enbaneth many a bower,
A meate two sweete in taste, that sauced is two sower.
It caused Hercules to slay th'OEchalian King,
And Deianire her worthy fere to bane:
It caus'd the Greekes their armies forth to bring,
And Troia faire to fall, by Graecians tane.
It setled here in Britayne first the Dane,
For it of Kingdomes great the warres did oft deuoure:
The prouerbe sayth, sweete meate will haue of sauces sowre.
And Deianire her worthy fere to bane:
It caus'd the Greekes their armies forth to bring,
And Troia faire to fall, by Graecians tane.
It setled here in Britayne first the Dane,
For it of Kingdomes great the warres did oft deuoure:
The prouerbe sayth, sweete meate will haue of sauces sowre.
Wherefore let noble men beware of beauties grace,
Lest so inflam'd they chaunce to fall thereby.
If they allur'd, the Sirens sweete embrace,
And ships forsake, the waues are wilde perdy.
The monsters diue, the seas do swell to skye,
The toyling tempests tosse to reaue the vitall power,
While rockes, shelues, sands, and seas, the woefull wights deuoure.
Lest so inflam'd they chaunce to fall thereby.
If they allur'd, the Sirens sweete embrace,
And ships forsake, the waues are wilde perdy.
The monsters diue, the seas do swell to skye,
The toyling tempests tosse to reaue the vitall power,
While rockes, shelues, sands, and seas, the woefull wights deuoure.
They may hereby beholde the woefull childrens fall,
Of those which led their liues in lawelesse lust:
And learne to loue their Ladyes best of all,
Which are to them so faithfull, true, and iust.
Wherefore recyte the death of Sabrine here I must
The Lady young, mee thought, from waters droun'd that came:
Which might thus wise her tale haue seem'd to frame.
Of those which led their liues in lawelesse lust:
And learne to loue their Ladyes best of all,
Which are to them so faithfull, true, and iust.
Wherefore recyte the death of Sabrine here I must
The Lady young, mee thought, from waters droun'd that came:
Which might thus wise her tale haue seem'd to frame.
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