[The Courte of Vertu | ||
An example how Dauid praysed God, for his delyueryng of Israell, by great miracles, out of Egypt.
Out of the .C.xiiii. Psalme.
so in Exodus wyll reade,
Shall see what wonders god there wrought:
From Egypt when as he dyd leade
His people, and from thence them brought.
Shall see what wonders god there wrought:
From Egypt when as he dyd leade
His people, and from thence them brought.
What myracles by Moses hande,
To Pharao was expressed playne:
That he therby myght vnderstande,
No more gods people to restrayne.
To Pharao was expressed playne:
That he therby myght vnderstande,
No more gods people to restrayne.
And how God by his mighty powre
And stretched arme did bryng them thence:
And howe the red sea dyd deuoure
Kyng Pharao for his recompence.
And stretched arme did bryng them thence:
And howe the red sea dyd deuoure
Kyng Pharao for his recompence.
And howe God did in wyldernes,
Prouyde his people drynke and meate:
So that they lackte in their distres,
No kynde of thynge to drynke or eate.
Prouyde his people drynke and meate:
So that they lackte in their distres,
No kynde of thynge to drynke or eate.
Whiche Dauid bearyng well in mynde
Did with a Psalme geue god the prayse:
And doth therto all good men bynde,
With godly harte lo thus he sayes.
Did with a Psalme geue god the prayse:
And doth therto all good men bynde,
With godly harte lo thus he sayes.
In exitu Israel de Egypto.
Egipte lande when Israell,
(where they lōg tyme weare thraule & bonde)
From among people strange and fell.
When Iuda gan to scape the honde:
(where they lōg tyme weare thraule & bonde)
From among people strange and fell.
When Iuda gan to scape the honde:
This Iuda then I saye was made
His holy people and his flocke,
And Israell was in lyke trade
Becomde his lordship all the stocke.
His holy people and his flocke,
And Israell was in lyke trade
Becomde his lordship all the stocke.
Whiche when the ragyng sea behelde,
It fled as one should it desire:
And Iordan in lyke case dyd yelde,
And backwarde did turne, and retyre.
It fled as one should it desire:
And Iordan in lyke case dyd yelde,
And backwarde did turne, and retyre.
The mountaynes at the sight of this,
Could not be styll but skipte lyke rammes:
The little hylles eke would not mis,
But leaped lyke the playing lammes.
Could not be styll but skipte lyke rammes:
The little hylles eke would not mis,
But leaped lyke the playing lammes.
If one myght aske what ayled thee
Thou sea, that thou dydest so forbeare?
And Iordan what cause myght there be,
That draue the backe in suche a feare?
Thou sea, that thou dydest so forbeare?
And Iordan what cause myght there be,
That draue the backe in suche a feare?
Ye myghty mountaynes in lyke case,
Why skipped you lyke rammes I saye?
Ye little hilles, why from your place
Gan ye to leape as lammes doe playe?
Why skipped you lyke rammes I saye?
Ye little hilles, why from your place
Gan ye to leape as lammes doe playe?
All the whole earth it shall behoue,
When Iacobs God shall be present,
To tremble shake and muche to moue,
And in his sight hym reuerent.
When Iacobs God shall be present,
And in his sight hym reuerent.
For at his wyll he turned tho
The hard rocke in to water clere,
Conuertyng harde flynte stones also
To springyng welles as dyd appere.
The hard rocke in to water clere,
Conuertyng harde flynte stones also
To springyng welles as dyd appere.
[The Courte of Vertu | ||