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The First Fovre Bookes of Virgil his AEneis

Translated intoo English heroical verse by Richard Stanyhurst, wyth oother Pohetical diuises theretoo annexed

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A diuise made by Uirgil, or rather by soom oother vpon a Riuer so hard frozen, that waynes dyd passe ouer yt: varyed sundrye wayes, for commendacion, as yt should seeme, of the Latin tongue, and thee same varietye dubled in thee English.
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A diuise made by Uirgil, or rather by soom oother vpon a Riuer so hard frozen, that waynes dyd passe ouer yt: varyed sundrye wayes, for commendacion, as yt should seeme, of the Latin tongue, and thee same varietye dubled in thee English.




Wheare ships sayld, the wagons are now drawn stronglye with oxen:

For that thee season frostye dyd hold the water.


Theare the wagon runneth, wheare whillon vessel hath hulled:

For that thee marbil frostye made hard the riuer.


Theare placed is the wagon, wheare boats road grapled at anchour:

When that a could wynter thee water hastye stayed.


Now the car is trayled, wheare barges latelye repayred:

When that cold Boreas chillye did hold the riuer.


Where ships haue trauayled, theare now cars sundrye be tracing:

When nipping wynter thee riuer hardlye stoped.


Theare the coch is running, wheare latelye the nauye remayned:

When that the northen frostye gale hemd the riuer.


Now the naue hath passage, wheare keele was latelye reposed:

By reason of wynters frost, that hath hyd the water.


Thee water vp the wagons dooth prop, that vessel hath harbourd:

Beecause that the riuer frostines y sye tyed.


Now the wagon rowleth, wheare lighturs hulled in hauen:

When that a frost knitting stronglye witheeld the riuer.


Wheare the ship earst sayled, the cart his passage on holdeth:

When thee frostye weather thee water hardlye glued.


Now the wayn is propped, whear to earst thee gallye resorted:

For that thee winters hoare glue reteynd the water.