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Pans Pipe, Three Pastorall Eglogues, in English Hexameter

With Other Poetical Verses delightfull. For the further delight of the Reader, the Printer hath annexed hereunto the delectable Poeme of the Fisher-mans Tale [by Francis Sabie]

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Time now past on apace, hope was their anchor & hauen,
And though great distance of space detaind them asunder:
Oft times in letters yet they twaine priuilie talked:
And last month his time was spent: to his father Alexis
And to his frinnds he returnde, oh how my daughter Alinda
Ioy'd at this, amongst friends, as his heauie departure,
Each thing seem'd to lament, so each thing ioy'd his arriual.
Now pray thee tel me Damon, who now so sharply reprouedst
Should I remooue her loue, who was more trustie to Faustus,
Then was Penelope the loyal wife of Vlysses.
O rare fidelitie, O faith immooueable, worthy,
Worthy to be rehearst to all posterities after:
Shouldst thou remooue their loue, I tel the friend Melibeus,
If thou shouldst, thou hadst deseru'd with Tantalus endlesse
Paines to receiue. But loe, the withered grasse is all hidden
With hoarie snowes, our sheep want meat.

Let's hastilie therfore
Go fetch them fodder, which bleat so gredilie for it.