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displayed by his workes Physicall and Meta-physicall, in a Poeme of diuerse forme. Adapted to the Hebrue text, the frame of Diuinitie, and Catholike exposition. Togither, With necessarie marginall notes for relieuing of the young student. The First Part. By Henoch Clapham

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10. Section.

Al made, all sing a Chorus meere deuine,
Applauding lowd to Ælohim his action:
But sodainely (as flashing Lightnings shine)
A troupe falls downe, disiect by Freewils faction.
Downe, downe they tumble which begon to clime:
A fruite well fitting such a sodaine paction;
Opprest, suppressed by their proper crime.
Their sinne lay in desertion of their place:
Electing change, as Heuah sometimes did.
Their Freewill falles, and blacknesse hils their face,
Like thunder-crash from mounted seates they slide:
One leades the rest, to rest he bids the bace.
Iehouah's chaines of darkenes pinions fast
Th' apostate crue, reserud to iudgment last.
This tumble downe was not before an hell,
A locall hell remote from former blisse:
A spiritall darkenesse, fitting Spirits well?
Conceaued of our mantick mates amisse.
Who of the ayre, earth water, fire tell
Of sundrie lots and seuer'd regiments.
as kings and kesars ouer Elements.
Damned already be those spirits: but bide
A fuller wrath, after a fuller sinne.
During which stay, with fetters they are tyde
Vnable for a swine to enter in
But as th' eternall lets their Cable ride:
And further stretch by heauens parliament,
For execution of some sad entent.

Ringleader of this ranke is Sathan hight,
In Hebers language it is Aduersarie:
In Iauans writing, Diuell, Accuser right:
Names and the things in him do nothing vary.
For other tides drawne from ayre, world, night,
They manifest his pride, his pompe, his euill,
All fitting right the Satan and the deuill.
Touching his army, souldiers like their Lord,
All vgly darknesse, horror, damned snakes:
Breathing lewd motion, works and cut throte word,
Neuer a sleepe, but still to mischiefe wakes:
In field, in towne, in house, at bed and boarde.
Who most preuailes in compassing most euill,
Most grins & gapes & laffs: fowle dimned diuell.