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A worke in Ryme contayning an Enter-lude of Myndes, witnessing the Mans Fall from God and Christ. Set forth by HN, and by him newly porused and amended. Translated out of Base-almaynes into English [by Christopher Vitell?]

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Heere shalbe played a Playe of Myndes, as shall appeere therin:
Therfore marke thou well, what I shewe heere to thee:
Beholde, the Mans Crowne, heere mayst thou playnly see/
Which he ; through his sining; hath left or forsaken/
And hath in strainge Pathes,

Esa. 53.a.

the Waye of Errour taken.

Euen then is the Kingdom ; vvith his personages; shevved in his Garnishing

Comprehende this well in Mynde, that is Declared heere.
For lo/in maner of Enterlude, to thee shall playne appeere,
The inward Kingdom of God, voyde of Greefe and Smart/
The which is founde to bee,

Luk. 17.b.

with in the Man[illeg.]his Hart/

By God himself buylded,

Mat. 25.d.

ere the Worlde began to bee.

Beholde theare, the peaceable Loue without Compulcion; free.
Also, the Reasonablnes of Nature, in like case.
Obedience likewyse, to present theare in place/
Together with the Ioye, very louely in Dilight.
In the Midst of the Kingdom ; dismay not at this Sight;
Theare stands the Trueth, that giueth Lyfe and Breath:
Also the Knowledg, wheron doth cleaue the Death.
Playne-and-iust doth theare, walke in Ioyful-state/
With his Cogitacions, a bolde and ventrous Mate:
Also the Searcher, which wil not shrink nor start.
Therfore stande thou still, and do not hence depart.
Giue-eare attentiuely, let thyne Understanding awake:
For Mans Fall, they wil, to thee apparant make,
In maner of a Playe.

Longing-for comfort.
Now sure it shall not scave me, till part therof I take.
It were not good the Mynde of it, from me shoulde slipp awaye.

The Ende of the Prologue.

Receaue this thankfully, for the Prologue of our Playe.