University of Virginia Library

Traddle....stop, sir, 'tis ill bred,
To throw reflections on a trade....
What tho' I drive a shuttle, yet,


I may be charg'd with affairs of state,
A weaver is as good's a farmer,
And often by profession far more,
Vers'd in news and politics,
So no more of your dry tricks
To slur men's calling....
—Pardon sir,
Quoth Grogram, I mean not to slur,
Or give opinion of the matter,
Or move at your expence my laughter,
I only hint what others may,
Invidiously in this case, say,
When they compare both lists together,
That of convention and this, whether,
The occupation and the trading,
Will not be brought heels over head in,
As whether you or old Ben Franklin,
Ought to be follow'd in the wrangling....
You skill'd in woof and warp, while he
Has travell'd ever land and sea
Survey'd all states and the foundation
Of government through every nation;
Not that I doubt you may be equal
To him and shew it in the sequel,
But some may doubt you could at once
By force of yourself make such a bouce.