University of Virginia Library


ROSE, YELLOW ........ Oh! teach me to forget.

Yes! I will do thy bidding;
When yonder sun has set
Forever from the heaven you love,
Then, dearest, I'll forget!
When the dove's winnowing winglet
No longer seeks its nest—
When stars forget to smile in heaven,
And ocean is at rest,
And glowing summer boasts no more
Her radiant roses' birth,
And bloom and light and loveliness
Have vanished from the earth;
Then cold and calm Indifference
Shall smile at fond Regret,
And, lost to Love and Hope and Truth,
My passion I'll forget.
But while the sunlight still recalls
The glorious hours we met
On upland slope, in woody glade,
Ah! how may I forget?
While every pure and lovely thing
Some semblance bears to thee—
While the rose wears thy virgin blush,
Thy floating grace, the sea—
While in the stars thy blessed smile
Looks fondly on me yet,
And the fond dove thy truth portrays,
Ah! how may I forget?
F. S. O.