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King Orian.

On a roaring wild bull King Orian rides,
And spurs with a dagger his tawny sides;
The wild north wind is his friend so true,
And over the mountain King Orian flew.
He rode to the east, and he rode to the west,
Till he found a boy in an eagle's nest;
And over the water, and over the foam,
King Orian rode, with the wild-boy, home.
King Orian lives in the sunset red,
And the lightning's sheet is his royal bed:
Into his long beard the wild boy crept,
And safely the king and the wild boy slept.
A falling star is King Orian's sword,
And deep in the mountain his gold is stored;
And when night comes on, and the clouds go by,
He roars with the boy on the mountain high.


So listen, my children, when winter comes,
And hear in the tempest King Orian's drums;
And when storm and the winds are beating high,
The king and his wild boy are riding by.