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Juvenile poems on various subjects

With the Prince of Parthia, a tragedy

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The Poet's eye, in a fine frenzy rolling,
Doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heav'n;
And, as imagination bodies forth
The forms of things unknown, the Poet's pen
Turns them to shape, and gives to aiery nothing
A local habitation and a name.


The learned reader need not be acquainted that the Author took the hint of the Transition from the Court of Fancy to that of Delusion, from Chaucer's Poem called the House of Fame, where the change is from the House of Fame to that of Rumour; and that he likewise had Mr. Pope's beautiful Poem on that subject in his eye, at the Time when he compos'd this Piece.


'Twas sultry noon, impatient of the heat
I sought the covert of a close retreat:
Soft by a bubbling fountain was I laid,
And o'er my head the spreading branches play'd;
When gentle slumber stole upon my eyes,
And busy Fiction bid this vision rise.
Methought I pensive unattended stood,
Wrapt in the horrors of a desert wood;
Old Night and Silence spread their sway around,
And not a breeze disturb'd the dread profound.
To break the wild, and gain the neighb'ring plain
Oft I essay'd, and oft essay'd in vain;
Still in intricate mazes round I run,
And ever ended where I first begun.
While thus I lab'ring strove t' explore my way,
Bright on my sense broke unexpected Day:
Retiring Night in haste withdrew her shade,
And sudden morn shone thro' the op'ning glade.
No more the scene a desert wild appear'd,
A smiling grove its vernal honors rear'd;


While sweetness on the balmy breezes hung,
And all around a joyful Mattin rung.
Soft was the strain as Zephyr in the grove,
Or purling streams that thro' the meadows rove
Now wild in air the varying strain is tost,
In distant echoes then the sound is lost;
Again reviv'd, and lo! the willing trees
Rise to the pow'rful numbers by degrees.
Trees now no more, robb'd of their verdant bloom,
They shine supporters of a spacious dome,
The wood to bright transparent crystal chang'd,
High fluted columns rise in order rang'd.
So to the magic of Amphion's lyre
Stones motion found, and Thebes was seen t' aspire;
The nodding forests 'rose with the soft sound,
And gilded turrets glitter'd all around:
Each wond'ring God bent from his heav'nly seat
To view what pow'rful music cou'd compleat.
High on a mountain was the pile disclos'd,
And spreading limes th' ascending walks compos'd;
While far below the waving woods declin'd,
Their verdant tops bow'd with the gentle wind.
Bright varying Novelty produc'd delight,
And Majesty and Beauty charm'd the sight.
Such are the scenes which Poets sweetly sing,
By Fancy taught to strike the trembling string.


Here Fancy's fane, near to the blest abode
Of all her kindred Gods, superior stood.
Dome upon dome it sparkl'd from on high,
Its lofty top lost in the azure sky.
By Fiction's hand th' amazing pile was rear'd,
In ev'ry part stupendous skill appear'd;
In beautiful disorder yet compleat,
The structure shone irregular and great:
The noble frontispiece of antique mold
Glitter'd with gems, and blaz'd with burnish'd gold.
Now thro' the sounding vaults, self op'ning rung
The massy gates on golden hinges hung;
All the bright structure was disclos'd to view,
Magnificent with beauty ever new!
Trembling I stood absorb'd in dread surprize,
And sudden glory dim'd my aching eyes.
Unnumber'd Pillars all around were plac'd,
Their capitals with artful sculpture grac'd.
Wide round the roof a fictious sky was rais'd,
A glorious Sun in the meridian blaz'd,
On the rich columns play'd his dazzling ray,
And all around diffus'd immortal day;
A shining Phœnix on th' effusive rays
Fix'd his aspiring eye with steady gaze.
Beneath appear'd a chequer'd pavement, bright
With sparkling Jaspanyx and Chrysolite.


'Round, by creating Fiction's hand renew'd,
Gay visionary scenes in order stood;
Th' obedient figures at her touch disclos'd,
And various tales the glowing walls compos'd.
Here mighty Jove amidst assembl'd Gods,
Rais'd on his starry Throne majestic nods;
On his right hand the dreadful fates are seen,
And on his left is plac'd his haughty Queen.
There the pale Tyrant of the dreary coasts
Sways with his pow'rful sceptre fleeting ghosts.
Blue Neptune scours along his wat'ry reign,
Now lifts the waves aloft now stills the raging main.
Perch'd on a lofty rock Æolus stands,
And holds the winds in strong coercive bands.
Here the bright Queen of beauty stands confess'd,
There angry Mars in martial honors dress'd.
Alcides here appears with warrior pride,
The Lion's spoil descending o'er his side,
The watchful Dragon at his feet is lain,
The Lernean Hydra and dire Centaurs slain.
Here glows Diana eager in the chace,
And there Minerva shews with sober grace.
There with the madning rout close at his heels,
Young Bacchus, jolly God, triumphant reels.
Gay Maia's son high mounted on the wind,
Cuts thro' the air and leaves the clouds behind.


Toward the rosy East, great Mithra shone,
Bright in the glories of a rising sun.
Beneath in solemn pomp with hands uprear'd,
In flowing robes the Magi all appear'd.
Here the sage Bactrian pois'd his magic wand,
Obedient Genii waited his command.
There Thammuz laid, while from the gaping wound
Pour'd the rich stream, and sanguin'd all the ground.
Amidst his impious vot'ries Chemos' stood,
And horrid Moloch smear'd with infant blood.


Northward fierce Woden stood with terrors crown'd,
And angry Thor threw heedless thunder round.
Fair Friga with her lovely train was seen,
The beauteous rival of the paphian Queen.
Old Merlin struck the lyre, the wond'ring throng
Attended 'round to his prophetic song.
Southward disorder'd figures struck my eyes,
Monkies and Serpents rais'd to deities;
Mad superstitious Ægypt these rever'd
And to the hideous tribe their pray'rs prefer'd.
Maim'd Memnon here seem'd on his harp to play,
And hail Osiris bringing on the day.
Pale Isis crescent faintly glimmer'd here,
And barking Anubis display'd the year.


Gay sportive fawns adorn'd the distant scene,
In antic measures skipping o'er the green.
There sea Nymphs wanton'd on the wat'ry gleam,
Rode on the waves, or cleav'd the yielding stream.
Here the pale Sybils rang'd their mystic leaves,
And Ætna with the lab'ring Cyclops heaves.
There craggy rocks the sons of Titan tore,
And mountains shaggy roots tremendous bore,
And threat'n'd Jove with the promiscuous war.
Bold Phæton here urg'd his mad request,
Ambitious joy swell'd his presumtuous breast;
Elate he mounted in the flaming car,
The Sire attended with a fix'd despair;
Nor could the Parent's tears the Youth restrain,
He laugh'd at fear, and daring took the rein.
The fiery steeds his feeble hand despise,
And stretch'd with glowing ardor thro' the skies;
Now thunders roll'd, pale lightning play'd around,
And the rash boy soon felt the burning wound.
Pygmalion there the statue seem'd to move,
Assisted by the pow'rful Queen of Love;
With rapture fir'd, to his exulting breast
The animated stone he fondly prest;
Transported on each shining feature gaz'd,
Now soften'd into life, and saw amaz'd,
Awaken'd into sense, her eye-balls roll,
And heaving breasts bespoke the ent'ring soul;


Saw on her cheeks the rosy tincture burn,
And felt her lips the ravish'd kiss return.
Fam'd Dædalus here wing'd the midway air,
And sighing, saw his Son disdain his care.
Young Icarus on spreading pinions rose,
And scorn'd the path his wary Sire had chose;
For heav'n the aspiring Boy his flight begun,
But felt the ardor of too near a Sun;
The temper'd wax before the scorching Ray
Melted, and lo! the loosen'd wings gave way;
And while his father's Name his accents gave,
Fell from the height, and sunk beneath the wave.
Diana's rage there hapless Acteon feels,
And saw his hounds pursuing at his heels;
Chang'd to a Stag, he swept along the plain,
In vain his speed, he flew from death in vain.
Elysium next disclos'd its blissful bow'rs,
With heav'nly fruitage deck'd, and radiant flow'rs;
Celestial Amaranth eternal bloom'd,
And the bright Plains with od'rous scents perfum'd;
Thro' the gay Meads an amber current roll'd,
O'er sands resplendent as Arabia's gold,
On whose green banks the happy Shades reclin'd,
Quafft its sweet stream, and left their cares behind.


What over Dreamer dreamt, or Poet sung,
Or lying Fable with her double tongue
Told the believing World, now did appear
Delusions all, for when approaching near
They shun'd the view, and shrunk to empty Air.
High in the midst, rais'd on her rolling throne,
Sublimely eminent bright Fancy shone.
A glitt'ring Tiara her temples bound,
Rich set with sparkling Rubies all around;
Her azure eyes roll'd with majestic grace,
And youth eternal bloom'd upon her face,
A radiant bough, Ensign of her command,
Of polish'd gold wav'd in her lilly hand;
The same the Sybil to Æneas gave,
When the bold Trojan cross'd the Stygian wave.
In silver traces fix'd unto her Car,
Four snowy Swans, proud of th'imperial Fair,
Wing'd lightly on, each in gay beauty drest,
Smooth'd the soft plumage that adorn'd her breast.
Sacred to her the lucent Chariot drew,
Or whether wildly thro' the air she flew,
Or whether to the dreary shades of Night
Oppress'd with gloom she downwards bent her flight,
Or proud aspiring sought the blest abodes,
And boldly shot among th' assembl'd Gods,

This Conceit is occasioned, by the Tiara's being a Badge of Royalty used in the East, and the oriental Writers abounding much in Pieces of Imagination.


On her right hand appear'd the joyful Nine,
And on her left the Graces all divine;
Young Infant Love soft on her breast reclin'd,
And with his Mother's glowing beauty shin'd.
Her fav'rite Sons were rang'd in Order round,
In three bright bands with deathless lawrels crown'd;
Great Homer here enjoy'd superior day,
Illuminated by bright Fancy's ray;
Apelles there, whose magic hand could give
Form to the mass, and bid the fiction live;
Timotheus next, whose animated Lyre
Cold Grief could charm, and thoughtless rage Inspire.
Close at her feet a Bard in raptures lost
Was plac'd, and wildly round his eye-balls tost;
Great Fancy was the theme! the soothing strain
In floods of pleasure thrill'd thro' ev'ry vein.
Thus, while the trembling notes ascend on high,
He sung; Indulgent Queen of ev'ry joy,
What rapture fills the breast thou dost inspire,
The Lover's transport, and the Poet's fire!
At thy command obedient Pleasure bends,
And rosy Beauty to thy call attends;
The fanning gales shall swelling spread thy fame,
And echoing Groves well-pleas'd resound thy Name!
While thus around my eyes I wildly threw,
From charm to charm, and did each wonder view,


Pleas'd on the heav'nly ravishment to gaze,
'Rose with the strain, or wanton'd in the blaze!
Her awful Silence the bright Goddess broke,
And frowning, thus in angry mood she spoke.
Com'st thou, vain Mortal, here with searching Eye
Into the secrets of our Court to pry?
What rash presumption swells thy youthful breast,
That in our presence thus you've rudely prest?
Trembling I kneel'd, with fear my tongue was ty'd
A space, when speech regain'd, I thus reply'd.
With lowly Rev'rence I hither came,
Not to deride, but to adore thy Name;
To thee I ever dedicate my Song,
To hail thy glories 'midst this suppliant throng.
Then from her shining seat, the heav'nly Maid
In beautiful arrision, answ'ring said;
Then have thy wish, here Mortal take this Lyre,
Strike bold the strings, and sing as I inspire.
Humbly I bow'd, her mild commands obey'd,
And careless o'er the Lyre my fingers laid,
And soon with wild poetic rage possess'd,
All my frame shook, and lab'ring heav'd my breast.
By Fancy fir'd, enraptur'd thus I sung,
Whilst all around redoubling Echoes rung.


Zephyr attend, or whether thro' the grove
Soft whisp'ring you the leafy branches move,
Or shaking dulcet dew-drops from each flow'r
Wide thro' the plain you spread the fragrant show'r,
Or whether Sylvia panting in some shade
In tender accents woos thee to her aid!
No more in am'rous sporting spend the day,
No longer wanton on her bosom play:
Fancy commands! obey the regal Fair,
Fancy commands! quick all your wings prepare!
From the Sun's early dawn till where again
He sets his glories in the azure main;
Thro' ev'ry Clime her royal mandate bear,
And bid mankind to her bright Court repair.
Hear Earth's Inhabitants! ye Mortals hear!
And let attentive wonder fix each ear.
Fancy invites! nor let her ask in vain,
Come, taste her heav'nly sweets, and hail her reign!
Zephyr obedient on his wings convey'd
The joyful Summons warbling thro' the glade;
Swiftly he swept along the spicy vale,
Caught all its sweets, and in a balmy gale
Gently he stole on the fond Lover's ear,
And in loud accents bid the Warrior hear!
From diff'rent Climes the thronging Nations came,
And rush'd promiscuously before the Dame;


Prostrate before her throne their hands they rear,
And to the Goddess loud prefer their pray'r.
Confus'd they all demand her promis'd joys,
While the long vaults resound their clam'rous noise.
As when loud billows break upon the shore,
Or o'er th' opposing Rocks the torrents roar.
Her glitt'ring branch impatient round she swung,
And instant silence seiz'd each babbling tongue.
Abash'd they trembling stood, and seem'd to be
Transfix'd in mute insensibility.
Quick was dispers'd each wild tumultuous sound,
And the soft breezes all were hush'd around.
Now swiftly forward false Delusion came,
Wrapt in a fulvid Cloud appear'd the Dame.
Thin was her form, in airy garments drest,
And grotesque figures flam'd upon her vest;
In her right hand she held a magic glass,
From whence around reflected glories pass.
Blind by the subtle rays, the giddy Croud
Rush'd wildly from the Dome and shouted loud.
The few remain'd whom Fancy did inspire
Yet undeceiv'd by vain Delusion's fire.
A Troop of shining forms the next came on,
Foremost bright Nature's awful Goddess shone.
Fair Truth she led, in spotless white array'd,
And pleasing Beauty, sweet celestial Maid;


Where Truth and Nature aid the great design,
Beauty attends, and makes it all divine:
Sweet Poesy was seen their steps behind,
With golden tresses sporting in the wind;
In careless plaits did her bright garments flow,
And nodding laurels wav'd around her brow;
Sweetly she struck the string, and sweetly sung,
Th' attentive tribe on the soft accents hung.
'Tis her's to sing who great in arms excel,
Who bravely conquer'd or who glorious fell;
Heroes in verse still gain a deathless name,
And ceaseless ages their renown proclaim.
Oft to Philosophy she lends her aid,
And treads the Sage's solitary shade;
Her great first task is nobly to inspire
Th' immortal Soul with Virtue's sacred fire.
Then Painting forward mov'd in garlands drest,
The Rainbows varied tints adorn'd her vest.
Great Nature's Rival!—quick to her command
Beauty attends, and aids her pow'rful hand.
At her creative touch gay fictions glow,
Bright Tulips bloom, and op'ning Roses blow.
The canvass see, what pleasing prospects rise!
What varying Beauty strikes our wond'ring eyes!
Chill'd Winter's wastes, or Spring's delightful green,
Hot Summer's pride, or Autumn's yellow scene;


Here lawns are spread, there tow'ring forests wave,
The heights we fear, or wish the cooling lave!
Her blooming Sister in her hand she led,
Joy in her eye, fair Sculpture heav'n taught Maid.
'Tis her's to stone a mimic life to give,
Heroes and Sages at her call revive;
See flow'ry Orators with out-stretch'd hand
Address'd to speak, in glowing marble stand!
Sudden I hear'd soft sounds, a pleasing strain!
Music advanc'd with all her heav'nly train.
Sweetly enraptur'd then my pulse beat high,
And my breast glow'd fraught with unusual joy.
'Tis harmony can ev'ry passion move,
Give sorrow ease, or melt the soul to love;
Exulting Pleasure to her call attends,
E'en stormy Rage to pow'rful music bends.
With Turrets crown'd bright Architecture shone,
The lovely Maid with easy steps came on;
Graceful her mien, her looks celestial shin'd,
Where majesty and softning beauty join'd.
At her command see lofty Piles ascend,
Columns aspire, triumphal Arches bend.
Astronomy with proud aspiring Eye,
Gaz'd on the glowing beauties of the sky.


Her vest with glitt'ring Stars was spangl'd o'er,
And in her hand a Telescope she bore.
With this she mark'd the rolling Planets way,
Or where portentous Comets dreadful stray.
Tho' last, not least Philosophy was seen,
Slow was her step, and awful was her mien;
A Volume open in her hand she held,
With Nature's law the ample page was fill'd.
'Tis her's great Nature's wond'rous depths t' explore,
Or to the Gods in heav'nly rapture soar.
With these bright Fancy's Sons their hours employ,
Pursue their lore, and taste each rising joy.
Now suddenly the scene was chang'd again,
And brought to view Delusion's spreading reign:
There intermingl'd hills and rocks were seen,
Here shady Groves and flow'ry Lawns between.
Full in the front a lofty Pile was rear'd,
The Architecture did and rude appear'd.
Delusion's residence, within confin'd
Gay Fictions lurk, and Dreams of ev'ry kind.
Constant as waters roll, or flames ascend,
Hither their course the rising vapours bend;
Drest by her hand they shine with mimic bloom,
Or at her word their nothingness resume.


But still from Fancy all her pow'r she draws,
Bows to her Name, and owns her sacred Laws.
Some in light Dreams the sleeping senses move,
And led by them the thoughts unsettl'd rove,
Others more bold majestic portments take,
And plague delighted those who dream awake.
Such are the dreams of those who thirst for pow'r,
The superstitious, and a thousand more.
Others usurp the features of the Dead,
And shake the torch around the Murth'rer's bed;
Affright the Vigil, or in wanton mirth
Make fools seek hidden treasures in the earth,
Or lead the weary traveller awry,
Or rising flame amazement in the sky.
Now with the croud Delusion forward came,
A Troop of Phantoms flutter'd round the Dame;
In bands the throng she instantly divides,
A Phantom over ev'ry band presides.
Foremost a bright majestic Form appear'd,
And in her hand the honour'd Fasces rear'd;
Forward she strode with more than virgin pace,
And leer'd upon the Croud with haughty grace.
Power was her name, assuming selfish Pride
And glitt'ring Pomp attended by her side.
Her fav'rite Son high on a seat she plac'd,
With mimic gems and glassy bawbles grac'd;


Close by his side was seated wrinkl'd Care,
While Envy view'd him with malicious stare:
Sternly he ey'd around the servile throng,
While loud acclaim proceeded from each tongue;
But from the giddy height devolving soon,
Reproach, Contempt and Shame is on him thrown
Eager another mounts the chair of pow'r,
And shines the empty pageant of an hour.
Dame Superstition was the next came on,
Bright on her head the gilded mitre shone,
Varying her aspect, now she rais'd her eye,
And seem'd bewilder'd with extatic joy;
Then sudden gloom her countenance depress'd,
Tears roll'd apace, and sorrow heav'd her breast;
Now calm again she silent view'd around
The prostrate Croud bent humbly to the ground:
Then caught with sudden rage she hurl'd about
Her thund'ring Anathema 'mong the Rout.
An aged wrinkl'd Hag the next appear'd,
Four mould'ring turrets o'er her temples rear'd;
In rows like beads the faithful medals tied,
In ornamental Rust adorn'd her side.
A broken Column of an ancient date
She dragg'd, and sinking seem'd beneath the weight.
The Column all admir'd, the medals more,
“Th' Inscription value, but the Rust adore.”


The next to her approach'd a rev'rent Dame,
In trophies great from Insects torn she came;
With stately step she trod the plain along,
And threw her treasure 'midst th' admiring throng,
Forward with joy each curious Mortal sprang,
This caught a gaudy wing, and that a pointed fang.
Before the giddy throng, which now advanc'd,
With mincing step gay Affectation danc'd,
Then sudden stop'd, and staring on the Croud
She frown'd, then smil'd, and giggl'd out aloud.
The num'rous Throng attending round the Fair,
Mimick'd her gestures, and assum'd her air.
A croud of Mortals here with wond'ring eyes,
All pale and trembling gaz'd upon the skies;
Where on blue plains opposing hosts engage,
While shouts are heard and all the battle's rage.
Amidst the throng stood cold and heartless Fear,
The fall of Nations whisp'ring in each ear.
Here pallid Spectres gleam'd, and there were seen
The Fairy Train in gambols on the green.
Through miry ways the rustic journeys round,
Nor dares presuming tread the hallow'd ground;
Dire ills await the Wretch, to fable sings,
Or pinch'd all o'er, or pierc'd with thousand stings.


The Structure ent'ring, as around I threw
My wond'ring eyes, gay forms arose to view.
False Pleasure here the borrow'd form of Joy
Assum'd, and roll'd around her sparkling eye.
But who, allur'd by her enchanting song,
From Virtue shrinks, and mingles with her throng.
Soon sees her beauties fade, and to his eyes
Deformity and sad Disease arise.
In a dark corner hell-born Jealousy
A wan and haggard Spright, I did espy;
Watchful she roll'd her ghastly eyes around,
And cautious trod to catch the whisp'ring sound.
Her heart forever deathless vultures tear,
And by her side stalk anguish and despair.
Curst is the wretch with her dire rage possess'd,
When fancy'd ills destroy his wonted rest.
Pale Avarice was seen with looks of care,
And clasp'd her bags with never-ceasing fear.
Close foll'wing her a wretched spectre came,
With tatter'd garments, Poverty her name,
In vain her search t' elude still Avarice strives,
Amidst her store in endless want she lives.
False Honor here I saw all gayly drest,
Glass were her beads, and tinsel'd was her vest;
Form'd in barbaric ages, rude her mien,
And in her hand the sanguin'd Sword was seen.


Not stain'd like Patriots in their Country's cause,
To save Religion, or support the Laws;
In private Strife the crimson torrents flow,
Their Country wounded by each fatal blow.
With chequer'd hood Dissembling stood behind,
And Falshood coining lies to cheat Mankind;
While with smooth art deceitful Flattery
Address'd the ear of list'ning Vanity.
The gloom was now disclos'd where Spleen remain'd,
A thousand various ills the Goddess pain'd.
As pow'rful Fancy works here Mortals are
Transform'd to glass, or China's brittle ware;
Oppress'd by Spleen no longer joy they know,
For ever tortur'd with imagin'd woe.
As thus I onward mov'd with wand'ring pace,
And view'd the varied wonders of the place;
Just heav'n, I cry'd, Oh! give me to restrain
Imagination with a steady rein!
Tho' oft she leads thro' Pleasure's flow'ry ways,
In Error's thorny path she sometimes strays.
Let me my hours with solid Judgment spend,
Nor to Delusion's airy dreams attend;
By Reason guided we shall only know
Those heav'nly joys which Fancy can bestow!