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The meantime Putnam, as new day was seen,
On a fresh charger, bounded o'er the green
To where that Stark had his position chose,
Near where the Mystic with the ocean flows.
He waited not for Putnam to commence:
“I crave the boon to aid in the defence.
“I seem as rais'd on pinions to ascend,
“And with my troops by labor to defend


“The summit, till with weapons we contend.”
Putnam rejoins: “Thy language burns—it thrills—
“Thy heart is like the granite of the hills.
“Now is the time to let thy soul have play,
“For I forebode eternal lives this day.
“Thy zeal will kindle through the ranks.—Repair,
“And give to Gridley your assistance there.
“North of the morass, has he begun,
“(For now are we to all expedients run)
“A shelter of mown grass, which when compress'd,
“Will stay the bullet's force—a kind of nest—
“Where many a one will bedded find its rest.
“Knowlton will here his skill and prowess bend,
“For we on Hampshire's valor can depend.
“Him will you join when battle shall be heard,
“To prove th' unyielding temper of your sword.
“Your left will rest upon the river bank,
“Your right wing, from assault, guard Prescott's flank.
“Hearken!—the Britons have the works descried—
“Their heavy guns explode upon the tide!


“The morning opens with a glorious sign—
“Companions! hasten to secure the line—
“There prove your spirits are indeed divine!”
Stark, with his soul in music, leads the way
For Knowlton, Reed, Cass, Dearborn to display;
Storrs, Willis, Spencer, valiant Pearce, and Hall—
Gilman, McClary, large of limb and tall—
Whose voice resembles ocean in its rage,
When arm to arm fierce combatants engage.
Nutting and Warner, right of the redoubt,
Take post, to see the threatening contest out.
A wooden fencement is their only shield,
Like that which Knowlton on the left wing held.
The gallant Perkins his position chose,
Where open bosom'd he could meet his foes—
Between the left of Prescott and the right
Of Knowlton, waved his banner in the light.
Prescott to Putnam as he clears the steep:
“Thy swift return makes new pulsations leap.
“Revered art thou—the chosen of the field—
“This day is thine to be in history seal'd.
“How glows my breast to see our minds as one,
“Centred as rays collected from the sun.


“The troops delight to hear thy voice of old—
“It seems new powers—resources to unfold—
“Confirms the brave and makes the timid bold.”
Putnam grasps his hand: “Yes, I feel that we
“Are like two branches from one parent tree;
“Soon will we show the blossoms of our fruit,
“Unless destruction's ploughshare breaks the root.”
This said—he to the ranks in cheerful mode,
Directed his discourse, which pleasing flow'd:
“Comrades! this labor will throw off disease,
“For toil the blood of peccant humors frees.
“Ah, yes, 'twill sweat base royalty away,
“And make the soul its purity display;
“What though their heavy peals our ears invade,
“'Tis but the music of a serenade.
“It proves they think us worthy of the boon—
“We presently will answer them the tune;
“For though at times they think us worse than rude,
“We'll entertain them with an interlude.”
The veteran thus in a facetious style,
Raised on the cheek a confidential smile,
Outrooting all misgiving from the breast,
And planting there a glowing interest.


Thus did the patriots, heedless of the blast,
Which at the works the ships and batteries cast,
Pursue their labors to intrench the hill—
Cool unto death their pledges to fulfil.
Now when at Harvard was the council done,
A fever through the veins of Warren run,
He sought repose to calm, t' assuage the heat,
For strong the arteries of his temples beat.
Stretch'd listless on his couch, he strives in vain
Sleep to allure;—th' excitement of the brain
Frightens her away;—essaying oft to close
His eyes, while tossing to and fro his limbs he throws.
“Hark! what was that?—Again the thunders peal!
“Health is restored!—no more the pain I feel!
“I hear the summons of my country call—
“My sword is hers—my wealth—my blood—my all!”
Scarce this effusion from his soul came forth,
When proud he rose as if he spurn'd the earth.
His look was heavenward—his port sublime,
As if his hand retain'd the link of time
That welded with eternity. Soon the rein,
His charger feels—he courses o'er the plain.


Putnam salutes him, climbing the ascent,
And utters feelingly this sentiment:
“I joy to greet thee this auspicious morn—
“Hail'd will it be by millions yet unborn!
“Still would I urge thee to remain behind,
“For wisdom dwells within thy lofty mind.
“Adams will need thy counsel to advise
“Means to sustain the glorious enterprise—
“But yet the sentiment, thy looks declare,
“Speaks—that thy spirit will the perils dare.”
To whom thus Warren: “Thou my soul hath scann'd—
“Firm in resolve my purpose have I plann'd.
“I crave no other boon than here to rest,
“If that my country in her cause be blest.
“What! could I linger when the notes of war,
“Made the foundations of my dwelling jar?
“While others bled to guard my children—wife,
“Could I hold recreant back—not pledge my life?
“Never—Where'er those stars effulgent wave,
“Freedom is mine, or that denied—a grave!”

Mystic River