University of Virginia Library



Sweet sympathy diffuses tears
Consoling, when grieved virtue droops;
Smiles when prosperity appears,
With cheering hopes.
She pours sweet fragrance o'er the mind,
When worn with care, depressed with grief,
Inspires enlivening joys refined,
Which give relief.
Then all is mutual, all is love!
She wipes off, gently, every tear,
By kind endeavour strives to improve
The union dear.


Ingenuous worth shall never weep,
Where sympathy, blessed power, abides;
She fondly lulls the pain to sleep,
And pleasure glides.
Time, swiftly passing, steals away,
While sympathy her joys dissuse;
Just like the flowery days in May,
When things amuse.
Ah, rosy days, why fleetly glide!
Stay hasty moments, stay awhile;
Let youth these pleasing scenes abide,
Nor soon beguile.
But soon, too soon, the vernal flowers,
Blushing in every beauty gay,
Are blasted by autumnal showers
And fall away.


Then surly winter, bleak and drear,
When all enchanting scenes are gone,
And smiling prospects disappear,
Comes rushing on,
With pinching frosts, with lowering clouds,
And many a tempest, swiftly borne,
In hoary robes creation shrouds,
And all things mourn.
But lo, the enlivening spring arrives,
And nature shines in verdure clad!
Just so sweet sympathy revives
The mind when sad.